Thursday, October 27, 2011

Debating the tough stuff

Let it be known that I like to argue. I like to debate. I may not have all the intellectual power to do it well, but I like to debate.  I may, also, repeat what I've heard instead of actually understanding an issue...sometimes, but not always. 

Most the time, I read into issue and make my own informed decision. Turns out my informed decision isn't always agreed with. Which is what makes the world go round. If I disagree with you and your views, that's okay. It doesn't mean I don't like you or think you should be thrown in prison. It just means I've created my own opinions based on my own knowledge and research.

Do I always have ALL The information? Nope. Never will. 
Will there ALWAYS be pros and cons to issues? You bet.

This time of year is full of campaign promises, and TV commercials debating an issue. I, for one, turn off the TV commercials because I'd rather read the actually issue and make my own decision, then be given my decision by a corporation who paid for the commercial.  Still, if some folks are watching those commercials and making a decision, at least they're making a decision. And hopefully at least voting.

Ahhh Voting. What a gift!  I've unofficially polled some younger generation types that are in their early twenties and was stunned that many of them aren't even registered to vote. Sad. Very sad. The one's that were registered didn't bother or take the time to vote.  Even sadder.  It's a right and a privilege to be able to vote.  Many people died to give us that right.  Will they all vote the way I think they should? Nope, and that's okay.  Do I wish they'd all take the time to read each issue on the ballot and make an informed decision? You bet. Am I a dream? Yep.

I don't think voting is always black or white either.  I struggle a lot of the time with agreeing with a little from both sides.  I'm not always an all or nothing type of gal.  I ride that middle line all too well.  Am I wrong for doing that? Nope.  Does it frustrate some? You bet. 

Still debating the issues, local and worldwide issues, is healthy I think.  It gives you a chance to really think about what you believe in.  I tend to keep my ears open and will listen to the opposing point.  I naively assume the opposition is doing the same.  Sometimes people just don't want to hear you disagree.  And likewise, I don't always want to hear it, but I do.  Sometimes the opposition can even sway me with their debate.  Offend me or tell me I'm stupid for believing the way I do and your case will be lost with me. My ears will be closed.  I was raised that everyone has an opinion. Whether I agree with it or not, I should respect it and respect the person.  Respect isn't something this world seems to have a lot of these days.

My point to this yammering...there are a couple.

1. Vote.
2. Be true to your opinions, even when others disagree with you.
3. Be open minded enough to listen, really listen.
4. Did I mention VOTE?

In other none political news, I'm heading to Victoria BC this weekend. I'll be unplugged 100%. Not sure how I feel about this, and am hoping it'll be refreshing.  So hold the fort down, be nice to one another, and for God's sake...VOTE!