Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Just another day in paradise

I think I've come down from my sugar high from the blog entry on caramels.  Man those things are good.  BigBro suggested I start making them from scratch and he'd gladly be the taste tester. Ahh, so nice to have such a giving BigBro. Sadly, I won't be making them from scratch. They're WAY too much work in my opinion.

In other not so exciting news, I've come down with a fall cold. I'm not a fan of colds, in fact I hate them. They slow me down. They stop me from having the energy necessary to be myself. And I'm a very bad sick person. I whine. A lot. Just ask the MomUnit, she'll tell you. I'm a horrible patient.

I kinda wish there were a pod we could go into when it's time for use to be sick. You'd sit in the pod, closed and sealed, and you'd be sick for 24 hours. Then you'd emerge refreshed and done being sick. Let's say every one's REQUIRED to sit in the pod one a year. Imagine all the savings!  Oh and the pod is supplied with all the cold essentials like Kleenex, Nyquil, cough drops, more Kleenex, juice, water, tomato soup, etc.  I think it's a brilliant idea.

Why yes, I am on cold medicine. Why do you ask?

I have a busy, busy weekend ahead of me that starts on Thursday night. I don't have time to be sick this week. Next week's fine, this week, notsomuch!

Moving on...

Its fall in Seattle. And fall in Seattle is a a bucket full of color! The trees are all turning to their beautiful golds and oranges. I just love fall.  And I especially love when we are treated to a sunny day in the fall. Yesterday was one of those days. Sparky and I went out to get cat food at lunch and we put the top down. It was glorious.  A little chill in the air, but with the heater on, you couldn't fill it.  It's supposed to be sunny today too, and as of right now the fog is so thick I can't see the parking lot.  Ahhh, fall in Seattle.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go blow my nose and take more cold drugs.