Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Wednesday is such a great day. It not only starts with a "W" which - so does my last name, but it's the sign that the weekend is in view.  And this week I'm only working 4 days - granted they are 10 hour days - but Friday is a day off...woohoo.

I think I've finally hit a rhythm with the job.  I finally feel like I now remember what it was I was doing, how to do these tasks, and more importantly how to do them on time.  Our team charter has changed significantly since I left for my 100 days of Excellent Vacation.  Though my main job hasn't really changed all that much. Different charter, same basic tasks.  It was just remembering what those tasks were and how to project manager that I was having difficulty with.

I think the last of the Sicks is leaving ... finally!  There's still some gunk in the morning, but usually by evening I'm feeling quite good. I was hoping it would be gone for this weekend's adventure.

What adventure you ask? 

This year the "hunting wives" are going to Victoria BC.  Its a small group, Seattle SIL and Mrs. Braspir (I really need a new nickname for her) and I.  We sail bright and early on Friday morning on the Victoria Clipper (basically a high speed ferry - and I just read a bunch of really negative reviews about the Clipper - so goody!).  We'll spend 4 days there and return LATE on Monday night. The great thing about this trip, besides going to Victoria, is I will be completely unplugged for 4 days. No cell phone. No Internet. No nothing.  It'll be weird, but it'll be worth it.

The other great thing about this trip is I'll be borrowing a friends MACRO lens for my Canon. It's a bad move on my part because I know I'll want to buy one. It's a relatively inexpensive Canon lens - as compared to other Canon lens - so I'm not too afraid.  I'm a big fan of macro photography and I can't wait to try this puppy out.  He brought it in today to work so I'll have it tonight when I get home. Look out stuff in my home...I'll be focusing in on the detail.

I'll leave you with my two favorite photos from the PhotoGods outing this weekend. You can see all the photos here if you really want to ooo and ahhh over my photos. I won't mind. Really. Go ahead!


Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures, Jenn!! xoxo

BigBro said...

Mrs Braspir.........."Polly/princess Pop-up"....Mrs Sas (Rowland is Sasquatch or Sas for short)......they live at Lake Joy? (joyfull, joyous, etc) "Lady of the Lake"....."Corvette" something "Stingray"......that's all I got for now.