Saturday, October 01, 2011

Identity Crisis

Wait...don't go away. Its me. Jenn. I've been having a blog identity crisis of late and I think I've found a new template I like and that speaks to my personality. I hope you like it.

My last blogger template got dumped somehow, so then I had to pick a couple others as temporary before I could find one I liked.  I had been using pink-ish layouts and decided last night that I wanted one that was like my desktop.  I do, after all, write these from a desktop, I thought it would be a bit more me than pink. I know, what am I saying? Maybe I'm growing up.  Not likely, but maybe.

I completed another week of work, though not 40 hours.  On Friday I had to run around like a crazy person in the afternoon and try to get my passport renewed.  It expired in August of 2010 the day we got back from Alaska and I just didn't renew it.  I kept forgetting, then while not working I didn't want to fork over the dough.  Now I'll be going to Victoria at the end of the month and guess what, I needed my passport.

I looked into those passport cards / driver's licenses thingys too. Turns out it takes just as long to get one of those as a passport, so I opted to just get the passport. Oh and I got to pay the expedite fees. Oh goody. 

Its my own fault really. I procrastinated and now that cost me an extra $60.

I was thinking back to when I got my first passport.  It was months before I was to depart to Switzerland to go to boarding school in my junior year of college.  The whole idea of a passport was foreign to me.  I had no idea what it was really and what it meant to me.  I would soon learn that outside the U.S. it becomes vital and extremely important to protect.

I still have that passport and it's full of stamps.  Those were exciting days getting new stamps in your passport about every 6 months or so.  It has Saudi visas in it too. I hated handing over my passport to get the visas. I was sure they'd lose it and I'd be stuck in their country with no way out. 

My second passport wasn't nearly as interesting. I think it go a stamp or two for Canada and Mexico. YAWN!

My last passport at least got a UK stamp, some Mexico stamps and I think a Canada stamp.  Still boring.  I need work on getting more stamps.

I met someone in line who was roughly my age who had never had a passport. She, in fact, had never really traveled outside of Washington.  I sat stunned and sad for her. All the things outside Washington to see.  But I realized, not everyone has gypsy blood in them and feels the need to move on all the time.

Speaking of moving on, I have way too many friends moving right now.  Funny how I've managed to not help any of them either.

Texas and his family moved back to Texas. I'll miss having lunches with he, his wife and that cute baby of theirs.

Packing Laurie is moving to Palo Alto. Her husband got a job down there and so the whole family is moving. She'll be greatly missed.

Lastly the Pantry Goat is moving into a new house. Thankfully she's still staying in Seattle. If she moved, what would I do with all my leftovers? I'd have to dump them out!

That's about all I've got for now. I've been working on a thought provoking blog post, but it's not quite ready. It still has some thoughts that need to be worked out. They make sense to me, but if I put them out here y'all would be like, "what?"


Unknown said...

Love the new look, and thanks for the link! (Though it links to one of my posts, not my home page...)

My passport is *so* boring. You don't even get a stamp for Canada unless you fly in. I think mine is pretty much empty right now :(