Saturday, October 15, 2011

Caramels are the devil

The one thing I really like about this time of year - well besides the fall colors in all the trees - are the caramels that come off the bottom shelf and into a bin that says 2 for $4. (I secretly hate my local grocery store for putting them on sale.)

Each Caramel Season I go through about 4 bags. And I usually save 2 bags for later in the season. This year, I've gone through just one so far, and then Blueberry had to bring 2 bags to Sunday dinner, so those are tormenting me too. Ugh.

Seattle SIL a couple of years ago gave me this fancy martini glass for Halloween.  I decided to put it to good use this year and hold those fantastic little caramels.  The glass is painted as if a witch flew into the stem and ended up upside down. Very clever. Because I'm pretty sure if you drank a few martinis out of this glass and grabbed your broom, you'd fly as poorly.

I have a couple of recipes that call for caramels.  And sometimes I buy an extra bag or two to have on hand to "make" these recipes. Only I never actually make them. Somehow the caramels disappear before the recipe gets made. I think I have caramel gremlins in the house.

Maybe Pookie's eating them.

They look pretty good sitting there all smooth and all. Maybe I'll just have one before I snap another photo. Or two. Or three. Dammit! Now I have to go find some other caramels to put in the martini glass so it doesn't look like I ate any.

See. You can't even tell I had a couple, 20 of them.

Even Pookie's eyeballing them.


BigBro said...

You should try making caramels...........I'll be the tester.