Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's Raining Men

Well, no, it really isn't, but that song is stuck in my head. In fact the forecasted "storm" of men I'd be meeting through online dating hasn't exactly developed. That being said there are too very fortunate, hopefuls. I say fortunate because - um - dah, what guy wouldn't be fortunate to be with me? I mean, I can cook!

Bachelor #1 - Code Name: Database God
I met DBG on a new site that promises perfect matches based on your personality (no it's not eHarmony - hate that site). After showing interest in me, and me in him. We got to rank like 12 things that we find important or not important in a relationship. Scale rank them that is. These are important things like, do you like pets? do you like to socialize? etc. Oh and there was do you want your partner to be on the same deep thought level as you? Whatever. I'd be shocked if anyone was EVER on the same deep thought "level" with me. I think I'm stuck on Level 1 and I can't find the damn key to open the door to get to the next level and power source. Anyhow, now I'm waiting for him to respond to a question I sent (such a process).

Bachelor #2 - Code Name: Movie Man
He's a big movie buff. And by big I mean hundreds of movies a year he watches. He and I have been emailing back and forth and have had an excellent conversation in email. I've been patiently waiting (and you all know how patient I am) for him to mention meeting. Every guy I've ever talked about dating with said "men like the hunt". So how long do I let a guy "hunt" before I tell him he's 1) not in a forest, 2) doesn't have a gun and 3) has no idea what exactly he's hunting for? I've even given "hints" - which yes I know men aren't good at picking up on them. But still. Friend Vicky, who's also not a patient person, told me to just suggest a meeting.

and if those two dandies aren't enough: The Xcrush and I are meeting for drinks tonight. His invite. No, I'm not holding my breath. I suspect he wants to discuss possibly working for my company - being a writer and all. But I'll go and have drinks, dinner and conversation with him. If I must.

Stay Tuned. Or as the say in the UK, "Watch this space..."


Nicki said...

Keep pluggin' away. Maybe Xcrush will find out about the dating and make his jump. We can hope, can't we? I'm sure he misses you.

Do you need me to come out there and smack him on the head and tell him he better wreak-o-nize what's right in front of his face?

Al & Jo said...

I just want to know what the hell you were doing blogging at 6:49 a.m.? Is there life at that time of the morning?

Ken La Salle said...

Keep the faith, Jenn. Remember, I was online for quite a while before Vicky came along!