Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My favorite boy profile of the day: If you drink Starbuck's you need not apply.

Well, then I'm out! And I'm wired, so there.

But seriously...? Really? You would not date a girl if she drank Starbucks? I'm telling you, there are plenty of odd balls out there to keep me entertain for at least a couple of weeks.

One smile has produced a instant message conversation, which had to be cut short due to inappropriate topics being raised almost immediately. Why God made men to think with only the head from the south is beyond me? Surely there's a man out there who can carry on a conversation with a woman he's never met and not introduce that topic yet. Good grief!


Nicki said...

Thank God. I thought I was inviting the shit or something.

Nicki said...

I hate it when they say no psychotic biolar drama queens. Can't they just give me a chance?

Al & Jo said...

No comment from the MOM!

Anonymous said...

Starbucks coffee is just not very good. There is much better coffee available. Perhaps your correspondent just wanted to ensure he had a nice coffee.
All that can really be said about Starbucks is that there is one (usually several) everywhere.
However, this doesn't recommend the beverages. There are a lot of McDonalds out there too. But who chooses to eat there?