Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Poor Widdle Man in the back row

Every time. Every time I teach this project management class, there is some guy (and sorry fellas, but its ALWAYS a guy) who knows more than me. Now, I'm not saying I'm all smarty pants and all, but this particular class is a PM overview of a program at a local community college. While Mr. Smarty Pants in Row 3 *may* know more PM stuff (though he's not a PMP so I doubt it) (that's all I got), he certainly, and I mean 100% certainly, doesn't know more about the local college's program. That is why they have me, up front, teaching it (or spouting off information).

You all know this guy too. He's the one who makes comments about things without actually making sense. He's the one who has to ask a question, even though he knows the answer, because he wants you to think he's smart. He's the one who checks his reflection in every reflecting surface he can find. Yah, Hi - not so cute when you open your big fat mouth.

But, I do have to say, I was very proud of the restrain I had from telling this guy where he could put his Pimp Daddy Smug ass self.

And you know the worst part, he and his attitude made me forget what I was really going to blog about.

Bastard! He is definitely not on my list of date-able male species in the greater Seattle area.

Though on that front, Boeing Boy never ever got back in touch with me. His loss. Besides he called me Sexy and I'm pretty sure that's inappropriate when he doesn't even know my first name. Got hit by three other eligible "things" today (I have to call them "things" because from what I gathered in their profile and writing ability, I would say they have an IQ of a thing. What? I'm just saying...) Though these "things" were from Ohio, Canada and Texas. COME ON PEOPLE!!!! My profile specifically says within TWENTY FIVE miles from me. I'm pretty sure, though its been a while since I've actually checked, that OHIO isn't within 25 miles of me. So I did what any gorgeous geeky girl would do...I mapquested it to find out just how far they were from me....dumbasses..

Ohio / Columbus
(he didn't actually say Columbus, but that was the only city I could think of this quickly in Ohio).
From the "hood" to Columbus: Two Thousand Four Hundred and sixty six miles (2,466). NOT 25 ... But here's the interesting thing about Mapquesting this, I didn't have an address in Columbus OH, so I just said "Columbus Ohio", yet Mapquest ends my trip on E. State Street. I have no idea where that is, well - except its in Columbus OH.
Texas / Houston
(that right there says it all - they don't grow them smart down there - even though I was born there, I got out before the smarts escaped through my mouth via an accent)

From the "hood" to Houston: Two Thousand Four Hundred and fifty (or fiddy) six miles (2,456). NOT 25! Though interesting that its only 10 miles less to go to Houston than Houston's winning out so far. And on my trip to Houston (which will take 35 hours or 12 in a Mustang) I do get to pay tolls along the way and go through part of Wyoming...oh goody.

Canada / Montreal
Two thousand, eight hundred and thirty-seven miles (2,837) ... Whatever...who wants to go to Canada anyhow...AND they speak French there. I don't speak so good french. (you have to say that with a french accent because its funnier that way. At least it was funny in my head).

See what a kick ass PM I am. My risk analysis tells me that online dating is for the birds...and I should mitigate that risk by going to see SpiderMan this weekend and drink some wine.


Melissa said...

Bellingham isn't looking too bad now, is it? :-)

Nicki said...

Snooze told me once that online dating takes nerves of steel, and I believe that. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one having trouble out there.

Al & Jo said...

I agree....Bellingham isn't THAT far!!! At least it is in the same state (or it was when I last checked).