Sunday, May 06, 2007

Think Blogger? Me?

As promised, here are my 5 blogs that I'm nominating for a Think Blogger.

1. OnePath - Ken is the person most responsible for me blogging. He's married to my friend Vicky and so the two started this blog. The plan was to have both of them write about their wedded bliss. Instead, Vicky only rarely shows up and Ken spends his wheels posting politics and updates to his fabulous books he's writing.

2. Break Up Babe - Sparkly Sparkly - I've been a long time reader of BreakUp Babe. I even read her book. She's truly a mentor to me for the world of dating. She's recently stopped posting to BreakUp Babe and started her new blog SparklySparkly.

3. Patron Saint of Smart Mouths - I know the Patron Saint nominated me, but I do consider her blog one of the bests. Her wit and her ability to get me laughing is worthy to me for a nomination.

4. Everybody Else is Doing it - FreakMagnet launched into my spectrum by posting a comment to my blog. I was stunned at first that someone outside my immediate family and friends was reading my blog, but in turn I found myself reading her entire blog - from start to finish. She cracks me up.

5. Klieg Light - 99% of the time I have to read and re-read the posts on this site. And 99% of the time, I still don't understand what he's talking about, but I do find many of the posts funny and educational. Oh and I know you're wondering why the hell I would continue reading a blog I don't understand...well it belongs to the xCrush.

The rules behind this Thinking Blogger Thing are as follows:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).


Lesley said...

Awww... you nominated me too? Thank you! Does this mean I have to nominate 5 more blogs? Hmmm...

Nicki said...

Wow. I'm so honored. Thank you. *blushes*.

Ken La Salle said...

I would mention how honored I am as well... but instead...


... um, thanks!

Ken La Salle said...

ps. How does someone "spend wheels"???

Jenn from WA said...

Lesley - You're welcome! And no, I don't think you need to nominate 5 more.

Freak - stop blushing...I know too much about you to have you blushing over I wrote something else, you should blush.

Ken - THHBBBBTTTTT! You're number one alright!