Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Boys, Memorial Day, and Blueberry

One would think that my lack of blogging means I'm ubber busy and full of things to do. One would be wrong. And we hate it when one is wrong.

Let's see...let's make this Update Wednesday.

Boys Boys Boys
Database God never got back to me, so he's been crossed off the list for now. This is the one part about online dating I hate. For some reason people are okay with just blowing others off. It's as if they don't realize that behind the clever screen name is a person who does have feelings. But whatever...his loss. AND he had too many kids for this girl.

Movie Guy and I are scheduled to meet on Friday. I had mentioned to my friend Sean in Florida that I had a blind date. His response was, "With a man?" Freak. Anyhow, we are going to The Big Picture (fitting for the Movie Guy I think) and watching The Valet. It's in French and I'll have to read my way through the movie. But that's fine, the alcohol that will be flowing will make me fluent in any language.

I'm only half way looking forward to meeting Movie Guy. And not for the reason you would think. We've been having some fantastic conversation in email. Its safe and it allows one to be themselves or a mystical version of themselves. Anyhow, my point is I'll miss the emails if he turns out to be a dud. Which, my non cynical side (yes there is's small, but it's there) is trying to tell me that he'll be fine. Just an extension of the fun emails.

Memorial Day = Family = Head Exploding
I'm sure I've mentioned that we don't have a family tree, we have a family hedge. And Memorial day is a perfect opportunity to get to know some of those extended branches (or roots). The weekend and meeting family members went something like this.

"Hi I'm Jenn, Al Wraspir's daughter. And how are you related to me?"

Once you get past the Which then leads to this sometimes complicated dissection of first cousin, once removed, or is it second cousin twice removed, or is it an aunt, or an no...its a first cousin twice removed....KABOOM!

But it was fun. It was good to see mom and dad. Brother Jerry and I sat outside one night and chatted for several hours. Which I haven't done in...oh.... ever!

Memorial day in this small town is truly a site to see. People come out of the woodwork to make the cemeteries look beautiful. The Bohemian cemetery was especially flowered filled (that's our family cemetery). So many relatives there to pay their respects to our loved ones who have passed.

Up Up And Away....
For BlueBerry's birthday I gave her a ticket to go on a scenic tour of Seattle through a seaplane company in Seattle. This weekend is shaping up to be BEAUTIFUL here, so I made reservations today. I can't wait. I'm a bit sticker shocked at the price of the tickets for 20 minutes of flight...but it'll be worth it to see Seattle from the sky. Especially if its sunny and beautiful.


Anonymous said...

"Anyhow, my point is I'll miss the emails if he turns out to be a dud."

It's Seattle, it's email, maybe he'll turn out to be Tom Hanks?

Nicki said...

I know what you mean about missing the emails. I just hate it when things change and everything starts going down the tubes instead of going well.

Your date will go well, and the emails will continue. I'm doing my "Happen Because I Said So" dance for you.