Friday, September 28, 2007

Sterile in the Nation's Capital

Hello from the Nation's Capital. Whoa...what a place. The Mother Unit and SLSIL got in yesterday way before me and scoped out .. well.. nothing. I got in about midnight last night after sitting in Denver for an hour on the plane while we waited for our crew to get there.

You may remember I mentioned that the one person I really didn't want to see, and could care less about ever seeing again is Evil Xboyfriend. I knew I'd have to see him and thought I'd have JC as a buffer so I wouldn't kill him when talking to him. He's an arrogant git and has earned the right to never be in my company ever again. While sitting on the plane 37,000 feet in the air...who should walk by me on the way to the bathroom? EXBF. Couldn't believe it. He didn't see me, and I ducked under my book so he wouldn't see me. When we landed and everyone got up to leave, his eyes met mine. I knew I was sunk. Ugh!

Today the Mother Unit, SLSIL and I took the site seeing bus tour. It was a beautiful day here somewhere in the high 70's to low 80's and low in the humid. Gorgeous. As we drove through the capital I couldn't help but feel that everything seemed so sterile. Too perfect. Like they are trying to hide the secrets that go on behind the marble walls. While a lot of the buildings harbor years of history, I just wasn't as wow'd as I thought I'd be.

We saw 90% of DC on the bus. Hopping off in Georgetown to have lunch. What a charming little gem that is. The bus tour amused the hell out of me in that every 15 minutes it warned us to watch for low hanging branches. And they aren't lying. We were almost taken out a couple of times. I got whipped in the forehead when I wasn't paying attention. Who planted these cherry trees anyhow? (The Japanese apparently gave us the trees some many years ago).

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with JC and his wife to wander through the "mall" area and hopefully take a full load of photos. I only took 111 today. I have thousands more to take.

Comment of the day brought to you by SLSIL: me, The Mother Unit and SLSIL were walking by this fantastic looking building. I asked "What building is that?" SLSIL respondes with , "It's something."


Melissa said...

was that circle j? (or was that circle k made into a j)... circle dip? :-) Have a great time nonetheless!!

Nicki said...

Oooo!!! You're so close. I should have hung out with you so I could see everything I haven't seen since I was a tot.

Have fun, darlin'!! And, if needed, I can always take the Metro in and kick XBF in the 'nads, if you want.