Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm a Happy Girl

I’ve got absolutely nothing to write about. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip. But you know I can’t not write anything…so I’m taking a chapter out of Patron’s Saint’s blog and writing a list of what makes me happy for today.

1. Well, the obvious, its Friday. And not a moment too soon either. It’s been a super long week for some reason, especially at work. Skippy, I believe, is causing me to not be as productive as normal. Being that he talks non stop, and feels the need to provide commentary on everything he’s doing and anything that’s happening around him even if he’s not immediately involved. For example, I was having a work related, fairly detailed conversation with a colleague, TechGuy, and Skippy bounces over (I can’t get this image of Odie from Garfield and that stupid ass look on his face out of my head every time I say Skippy) and says, “So what do you use to shave your head?” Um, right. Because that question is clearly obvious when two people are talking about a work related issue that YOU are not involved in. Whatever. I’m still happy it’s Friday. Two days without Skippy.

2. ChexMix kicks ass. I bought some for my scrapbooking party on last Sunday and barely anyone touched it. So I brought it to work and have nibbled on it all week. Here’s the thing though, I’m not a big fan of all the stuff they put into ChexMix. In fact, I really only like the “chex” part of the “mix”. I might accidentally on purpose eat a pretzel, but the other little viddles I despise. They end up being tossed. A part of me thinks I can pick through and leave the viddles for the others at work. But the “picking through” part grosses me out and so I don’t think its appropriate to even for work people (who generally eat anything).

3. I am 88% done scanning heritage photos. Whew! I got this suitcase of photos from a cousin and I promised I’d have them scanned in by the end of August. What? October / August ..they both sound the same. Anyhow, I’ve had a blast scanning in and recording these photos. I’ve set up an excel spreadsheet that corresponds with lots I’ve put the photos in. So as they scan, I record who/what and when if its obvious or if it’s on the back of the photo. Did no one write on the back of photos back then? Come on people…record your life on the back of the photos. But do it safely with an archival safe pen/pencil.

4. Mustang Saleen. There’s a new Mustang Saleen parked in the garage downstairs. PMDude and I went down earlier this week to oogle and aggle over it. I’ve been down once to “visit” it. I think I may have to start parking down there just to see it. Maybe my car and that car can hook up and have little baby Saleens. Is thinking about car p0rn weird?

5. Dammit. I forgot what five was.

6. Heroes. Oh. My. God. Have you been watching it? This is going to be one helluva season. I watched it last night and wish it was a book so I could flip to the last chapter and see what happens. If I were a Hero I’d want that to be my ability.

7. Dudley Top Ten Worst songs are counting down. The “show” and the Flamingo costume happen next Saturday. (BTW – A British colleague of mine used the term “flamingoed”. When I asked him about it he said it’s when you utterly and totally F something up. I might have a new term to use). Anyhow, the songs this year I’ve been sharing with PMDude and forcing him to take a walk down memory lane. Though his memory lane is a bit shorter than mine in that he’s a wee bit younger. But the great part about it is the blog has videos so even you can enjoy.

That should be enough for now and I should probably get back to work and earn a living.


Lesley said...

OMG, the worst song blog is the best! blog! ever! I just played several of the songs, and I may have sang along, too. I am not proud of that.

So ChexMix, hmmm? I have never tried it, so I know not of this ChexMix of which you speak. Although I have seen it for sale at my local Target. I remember I saw the recipe once on the side of a box of Rice Chex, and it involved things like TWO different kinds of Chex and Worcestershire sauce, and really, who's got all that lying around? Damn, now I'm feeling a little peckish. I wish one of my co-workers had some ChexMix leftover vittles for me...

I am very much looking forward to seeing some photos of the flamingo costume in all its glory!

Nicki said...

You and I would get along famously. I, too, love Chex Mix, but I don't like the Chex part of it. As a matter of fact, I feel so bad about not liking the chex part of chex mix, that I deprive myself of it.

Teaux said...

#5 was the fact that PMDude will be gone on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I eat chex mix, I think about how much better it would be if it was only the dark chex (wheat?) and more butter and then more worchestershire sauce. Skip the pretzels (too dry)and cheerios (to cheerio-y) and maybe add some goldfish. mmmmmm good