Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Whatever happened to Honey?

So the boys at DMQ are counting down the top 100 songs and it so happened that Honey by Bobby Goldsborro came in at #49. If Blueberry read my blog she'd spit her water out right about now.

See in college, we had what you youngsters might not have heard of, cassette tapes. Frequently when taping to a cassette tape it was hard to plan the end ing just right so not to have too much room and not to cut off a song.

Well, I cut off Honey in the middle of the song.Blueberry and I joked that we would never know what happened to Honey. Well, thanks to the boys at DMQ we now do.

Be sure to watch the video. It's hilarious with regards to how the artist incorporated the song with the action figures. And if it gets stuck in your head for the rest of the day. I apologize.

But Honey I miss you.


Nicki said...

Honey is right up there with In the Ghetto (Elvis Presley) for me. Both get to me, but they make me sad, so I hate it.

Maybe Honey got capped In the Ghetto.

Al & Jo said...

DAMN! I will never be able to hear that song again without thinking of this video! Actually, when it was popluar, I was pregnant with you and everytime I heard it I cried!!!!!!!!!!!!