Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Grill by Any Other Name...

So HikerGirl and MarathonMan are moving. I know, sniff sniff. They will both be missed - a lot. But Montana skies are calling and they just can't help themselves. That, and a job offer.

In the decision of what goes and what stays there lived a Grill. It was a beautiful Grill. Only a year old or so. Only used a couple dozen times. It was a lonely Grill in need of some adventure and some serious Grilling. MarathonMan felt somewhat bad for the Grill. He knew that his Montana Grill and his Kirkland Grill wouldn't get a long, and really who needs two Grills? So what to do?

When suddenly a brilliant, bright light bulb lit above MarathonMans noggin'. "Why, I'll give it to the Grill Goddess," he thought. Running the idea past HikerGirl and it was decided that the Grill Goddess (who didn't even know there was a grilling "season". What's that all about?).

The phone call was made. The lonely Grill would no longer be lonely, but instead live with the Grill Goddess and the two would live happily ever after.

And look! A Big Black Beast of Burden has graced the Grill with His presence and has confirmed the Grill is good. In fact I believe he said, "you can now cook me fish or chicken on it?" And we did. The Grill Goddess allowed MarathonMan one last horrah with his Grill. He was sad, though I don't think we saw a tear in his eye.


Ken La Salle said...

Great......... now I'm hungry....

Al & Jo said...

OH boy---saved by the bell!! You were going to get our old grill and I have been busy talking Dad out of it!!! :=)