Monday, June 01, 2009

Hello my kittens...hope you all had a fantastic weekend. It couldn't have been a nicer weekend in the Pacific NW. Sunshine galore and it allowed for some fun times to be had by all.

Friday found me at home doing my thing. Nothing overly exciting.

Saturday found me at the Rat City Roller derby again. Two bouts, the last being the seasons finals between Socket Wenches and the Derby Liberation Front (DLF). DLF walked away with the title again. BigBro, Wifeypoo, and I enjoyed ourselves tremendously. It's like a People Watcher's Mecca. All types were there. Oh and Chris Ballew from The President's of the United States sang the National Anthem and then did the half time show. He and his family sat right by us and they looked quite normal.

Sunday I was up and out to the beach to shoot a 5K walk / run at Alki. PhotoGirl was organizing this and asked if I'd help out shooting at the turn around. BigBro and I did just that.'s like drinking from a fire hose when the pack of runners hit us. It was basically just holding down the shutter to get as many photos as we could. It was so sunny so we didn't care. My arm hurt like the dickens though for holding the camera up for so long.

But the big news on Sunday was I walked two miles with no pain. Yes, you read that correctly. I walked a whoppin' two miles (which is really just a joke) but the no pain part is the big deal. AND my feet didn't hurt after - besides just being tired. yay me.

I had intended on heading into Seattle to take pictures of the SGK Fashion show. The Stang had other plans. The stang threw a shoe on the route. Flat tire...blah! After first emptying the contents of my trunk and cursing myself for not cleaning out the trunk, and 45 minutes of doing my darn-d-est to get the lug nuts off, I relented and called Ford Roadside Assistance. 2 hours later I was home. By then I missed the fashion show and was a bit bummed that I had.

Tomorrow...oh...tomorrow night will be the night of all nights for some time. Me and two UK Bloke - ettes are going to see iL Divo. Oh gosh, I drool just typing their name. Yes please, I'll have one of each. And if you haven't seen their video of Amazing Grace...see it now. I get the goosebumps anytime I hear this song anyhow. And God forbid it's bag pipes playing it...I'm a slobbering mess...but these guys...they do it justice.

I am also working on a plan to spend the rest of my life with the Spaniard, Carlos, of the group. He's the one who sings after the bag pipes...and he's just yummy to me...and considering my love affair with Spaniards and how far back it goes...Although Urs from Switzerland will be hard to pass up... Oh and David from the US...all 35 years of him could make the rest of my life a living bliss...and who can then forget Sebastian...he is, after all, French. And French guys...Ooo lala! I just can't decide. Maybe I can have one for each quarter of the year. That seems reasonable to me. And when they aren't with me, they can be with Lead Bloke-ette, the PM Godess.

Oh and just for you Mom - if you're reading this...we upgraded our tickets to have Dinner in the VIP think we'll get a visit with these guys? Oh I hope! I hope! I hope!


Lesley said...

Woo hoo! So glad to hear you were able to walk two miles without pain!!!

Have fun seeing Il Divo! Please invite me to your wedding to Carlos! ;-)