Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right....Let's do the time warp again

I can hardly believe that 1) it's June 24 and 2) It's Wednesday. I swear I blinked and 6 months went by and 3 days this week...gone!

I suppose the new work on my plate has caused time to fly. Every noticed when you're slammed that time just jets by without even leaving a calling card. I start the day at the same time I always do, 6:30 am - ish and before I know it I'm ready to go home. I can push away from my desk and feel like I've worked all day, but I can't really put a finger on what I'm doing.

Good news though, I am starting to dream about my job. That is my signal that I'm starting to get it. I'm starting to find a subconscious way to place the flood of information that's in my grey matter. I know when I hit this stage that it's just a matter of time before a sudden click will take place and everything will make some sort of sense. It's like when you put that last piece of the puzzle in and you sit back and admire the picture. I'm almost there.

Still stressed about being able to do this job successfully. It's a perfect opportunity to soar like an eagle, or I can crash and burn. But dammit I'm not going down that self pity path anymore. I can only do my best and see what happens. I sorta feel like I need to create my own serenity prayer that includes a line about "I accept I'm going to fail. And I accept that it's okay to fail." I can only learn from my failures. And I can almost guarantee there will be some blood baths.

But never fear, I'm getting there. I'm starting to feel way more confident about this job and way more sure of what I can and do bring to the table. At least that's how I feel now after a glass of wine.


Al & Jo said...

Once again, Mom just solved your insecurity problem! Have a glass of wine BEFORE you go to work every morning...problem solved about your stress level at work. However, it could create other problems...hmmm...guess I should work on another solution, huh?