Monday, June 15, 2009

What happened to Honey?

I'm constantly amused at how a seemingly normal conversation can turn into a a walk down memory lane.

Remember way back when, when we had cassette tapes. Well, all the rage was to make mixed tapes. At least in my little neck of the woods. Blueberry and I would make several mixed tapes a year. I, being the ever so efficient one, would hate to leave blank space at the end of a tape. I never could get the recording just right so a song ended when the tape ended. So 90% of my tapes had a song cut off in the end. Which normally wasn't such a big deal.

Then came Honey. Not an overly thrilling song, and a little bit dippy. But Blueberry and I loved this song.

I put Honey on the end of a mixed tape at some point, and it cut out right before you find out in the song that Honey dies. So Blueberry and I used to joke and say, "I wonder what happens to Honey?" Which of course telling that story today to Mrs. Geek (I have no idea how we got on the topic, but we did), made me think about sharing the story. Don't you feel blessed?

My favorite part of this song are the lyrics, "She was always young at heart, Kinda dumb and kinda smart"...what? Kinda dumb?

Our conversation rambled from Honey to other dumb songs that Blueberry and I used to make fun of...and Teen Angel was one of them. I remember listening to it's lyrics and thinking, "this is the dumbest song ever". I get the drama of the time and I get how innocent and pure the music was thing, but really, "I'll never kiss your lips again, they buried you today." What kind of lyrics are those? They just make me laugh.

After the Honey conversation, Mrs. Geek and I had to start searching YouTube for other bad music that plagued the 70's. And I ran across this.

OMG....I was sooo a Shawn Cassidy fan. I had a satin jacket with his head air brushed on the back - actually it may not have been air brushed because this was WAY before air brushing was a big thing. Anyhow, I have a vague recollection of getting the jacket for a birthday and then promptly growing out of it...but I loved that jacket and Shawn Cassidy. Watching the video today my first thought was, "I bet he was gay."

And of course Shawn Cassidy led to Andy Gibb and Andy Gibb led to the Solid Gold and the Solid Gold Dancers...and then it just went way down hill from there.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find out what happened to Honey.


Heather Bee said...

Don't forget, we passed around Abba as well. Yesterday afternoon was, in a word, swell!

Al & Jo said...

Oh are starting to get old if you are starting to go down "memory lane" already. ARG! I live on memory lane. However, "when I was young" things were so much simpler and down to earth. Oh boy, I remember my dad saying those exact words....ugh!

Vicky said...

Oh, I agree with mom on this, you are starting to get old, I swear you did a post about Honey awhile ago. I totally remember the cassette tape and not knowing what happened to Honey.