Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I closed my eyes, the moment that I surrendered to you.

I have just one word to describe the il Divo concert last night. And it's not the words one would normally think ... adjectives like Fantastic. Or Awesome. Or Glorious. No, the word that comes to mind is a simple 5 letter word....


That's it. Any woman with an ounce of XX chromosomes knows what I say when I say "drool". Its that momentary feeling you get when you see a hot lad and you have to literally check the corners of your mouth to make sure you aren't, in fact, drooling. I took extra napkins with me to the concert just in case.

But my goodness. In fact, PM Goddess said it best when Carlos started singing a song, she said, "it's like dark chocolate." And again any XX reader knows how glorious and luxurious dark chocolate is.

I've been awed in my life by several sites. The site of the Roman Colosseum standing strong after hundred of years. The site of thousands of women and men walking to fight breast cancer. Both rivaled by the il Divo concert.

Now I get some people may not understand the pull, but I gotta tell you, when a foursome's crescendo reaches it's peak, with all 4 voices smooth as glass hits you and pushes you back in your seat...well, it was almost enough to make me find religion.

So in case you didn't get the point yet, they were, quite frankly, one of the best concerts I've seen in my entire life. And yes, even better than Duran Duran and DMQ. I know, right? That's telling you something right there.

Only one song got me a bit teary eyed, okay three, but one where I had to really choke back the tears. Amazing Grace. That song just does me in no matter. I think I want that sang, by il Divo preferable, at my memorial. After said singing, DMQ can come out and y'all can have one bit 80's party on me.

So the other songs they sang that buckled my knees was the Impossible Dream and Mama. They've never actually recorded Impossible Dream, but by the standing ovation they got I suspect they may. Of course, the standing ovation could have been because it was their last song and no one in the audience really wanted it to end.

Even now listening to the crisp tenor and deep baritone singing A Mi Manera (My way), it just gives me chills. (God knows the chills aren't caused by the it's 92 out right now...ick).

Carlos (said baritone) could still be my husband. He only need to ask. And when he's done talking he is to never talk again. Only sing and look pretty. I see nothing wrong with this engagement. I may have to teach him the "proper" way to speak Spanish. Being that he's Spanish (as in Spain Spanish) he tends to lisp words like caricia (Spanish pronunciation: CAR-E-THEE-A). Ick. (That's the Spaniard in the photo below on the big screen)

Oh hold please, Amazing Grace is on the iTunes. A moment of silence please.

Okay, where was I? Oh yes, I was slobbering over the Spaniard.

Right, so if you get a chance, I highly recommend this group. They are well worth the $. And thankfully the seats we had were, while "cheap seats", fantastic in this particular arena. Granted I would have liked to sit in the $128 seats that were surrounded by the stage, but alas, I need my rich il Divo-ito for something like that.

Oh and the title of the blog comes from a song called "Every time I look at you." and well it made my heart do a little flippy flop because I was certain they were singing to me, section 205 row 7 seat 8.

So with that I leave you with this last thought before I go and get a napkin to clean up the puddle of drool I've left on the keyboard. Life as I know it changed drastically yesterday. I can't really go into it right now, but soon. It's nothing serious. Only goodness (well realistically some pain) can come from it. To quote The Impossible Dream:

This is my quest,
To follow that star --
No matter how hopeless,
No matter how far.

I think I may make this my new Theme song!