Tuesday, January 04, 2011


I swear to you this will not become a photography blog!  However, with the Project365 getting started I'm overly motivated to take photos and  post them.  Trust me, in 15 days - give or take - I'll be struggling to find something to take a photo of.

I did get asked today what's stopping you from taking 7 photos on the weekend and posting one a day. My reply - Nothing. I don't see anything wrong with that.

I am carrying my camera everywhere with me and as I was walking to the mailbox - before almost slipping and breaking something - I saw this.

Got any brilliant ideas of what I can take photos of in my every day life?  Food is already on my list. The Stang, Pookie, coffee and weather are all on the list. I  need ideas people.


BigBro said...

You forgot "firemen" ............. didn't you niece teach you anything?