Wednesday, November 07, 2007

How far does crazy extend to in a family?

This, I guarantee, will be a random post. The Committee has several topics they are swishing back and forth in my mind but none are large enough for an individual blog. Therefore, random. You love it, you know it.

I think it goes without any argument that Charles Manson is C-R-A-Z-Y-Crazy! I just got done watching a Dateline show titled "The Mind of Manson" in which an FBI Profiler (sidebar: if I had my wits about me when I was 2 I would have studied hard and become an FBI Profiler when I grew up. Instead I'm a PM Profiler. Not nearly as classy and certainly doens't pay as well. Oohh and of course as said FBI Profiler, I'd work the coolest cases with the hottest agents in the business.) dissects Manson's ramblings during an interview with a Today reporter in the 80's. Throughout his interview the things that came out of his mouth and the pure belief he has in all his words stunned me. In fact, I'm very thankful he won't likely ever be set free. Did you know he doesn't think he's guilty of anything? True that he only murdered one of the 9 victims, but he sees nothing wrong with how he "assisted" in the other. Crazy!

Hypothetically speaking, if someone who was in a cube with several others managed more than an hour a day on personal calls is that too much? I'm just wondering. Is there some manual on cube etiquette? Are there any practical jokes that you could suggest that would never EVER be lead back to other cube mates? I'm just wondering...

And I have another question, but I have to preface it first. I have several friends, colleagues, enemies who are writers. I admire all of them. And all of them are very talented and I wish I had an ounce of their talent. But why do writers feel they are so superior when it comes to everyone else's grammar issues? We can't all be as perfect as me, or all other writers. But I am curious why certain so called writers feel they must correct everyone else's stupidity? You're all correcting this blog as you read, aren't you? I knew it! Blast!

Who came up with Fruit of the Loom anyhow? Those fruit guys are so recognized and almost iconic aren't they.

Okay, so final randomness. And I feel weird even discussing this because it seems so extravagant and unnecessary. But I'm considering hiring a house cleaner to come in once every other month to really clean. Now here's the thing, I'm "interviewing" a potential cleaner tomorrow night at my apt to get a quote, I felt SOOO obligated to clean tonight so that she doesn't think I'm a complete slob. It's not like I don't clean, I mean after all I was sold into child labor growing up to clean the Wraspir house. I was woke at the crack of dawn and wasn't allowed to rest until it was completely clean to the master's approving white glove. (Well, maybe it wasn't that bad, but it sure felt like it at times). I remember when the MomUnit was finally able to get house cleaners and I used to laugh that she'd ask us to "clean" the night before the cleaners got there...and yet here I am "cleaning". What the hell happened to me? I've turned into my mother.


Vicky said...

Well if you're talking about grammar issues, you're certainly not talking about Ken. We both have proofread his writing and know just how perfect (not) his grammar is.

Cleaning lady once every month...that's all? We recently hired a maid service to clean every other week and I absolutely love it. They do all of the stuff (vacuuming, mopping, dusting) that I hate to do. It was the greatest idea Ken ever had!

Al & Jo said...

A cleaning lady???? YOU HAVE TURNED INTO ME! TEE HEE! However, I am now the cleaning crew...not just lady, but the entire damn crew! How unfair is that? I think you should come home and clean my house at least once a to which house, you pick!

I really laughed when I saw you were cleaning for your cleaning lady! GOOD JOB!

Lesley said...

I would have been right there with you on the FBI thing. Instead I profile people in my own way and get paid zip for it!

I think the cleaning service is a very good idea. But cleaning for them could set up some unrealistic expectations. If anything, I say make the place messier before they show up for the interview! But I'm weird like that.

Scribbler said...

I felt physically sick at your use of a conjunction at the start of a sentence. But I got over it as I read on. And it's not really as bad as ending a sentence with one, so...

Ken La Salle said...

I notice that Vicky didn't mention if she pre-cleans... the answer, of course, is YOU BETCHA! It's crazy.

This goes to show another difference between men and women. To men, a maid is someone who cleans the house. To women, a maid is someone who judges the house.

Anonymous said...

Instead I'm a PM Profiler.

Is this "PM Profile" like a professional cat herder (e.g. product/program management)? If so, I spend a good part of my day as group psychologist. :-)