Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Achoo! Cough! Hack Hack! Sniffle

For the record, I hate being sick. I'm a horrible sick person. It slows me down. Being sick means I can't go at my normal pace and have to be slowed down to cough, sneeze and blow my nose. I hate it and I want this cold gone. Granted it's only really been a couple of days of full on cold, but the cough has been around for nearing two weeks. Blasted cold/flu season.

I usually do what I can to work from home when I'm sick. Mostly because I'd rather be curled up on the couch with a fire going, hot tea by my side, and in my PJs, than at work coughing annoying everyone around me. See I'm a considerate sick person.

My new favorite cold remedy though is Cold-Eeze. Blueberry hooked me onto these. They "say" that it'll reduce the cold by half the time. Right! By my calculations, an average cold lasts 14 days. Since I've only really just started the nasal drip, more coughing and congestion part, I figure I have a good 5 more days till it's half. So, if I take twice as much Cold-Eeze wouldn't then mean that that time frame (7 days) would thus be cut in half too equaling 3.5 days for a cold and therefore it should be over. Have I mentioned that sometimes cold medicine makes me loopy?

My apartment now looks like a small pharmacy moved in. I have NyQuil (blasted kids who started using NyQuil to get high now all the good stuff that NyQuil had in it is gone). I have lotion-y Kleenex, I have cough drops galore. I have some other cough medicine. And I'm craving tomato soup (basically any time I crave tomato soup I know I'm sick). I made my cold soup last night though and put in a wee bit too much hot sauce. Definitely cleaned my sinuses though.

On top of all of that, I've become a germaphobe now and am constantly wiping down anything I touch at work anyhow. I hate to pass this on to anyone which leads me to wanting to work from home when I'm sick. And I'd be home right now if Pointy Haired boss hadn't scheduled a meeting for me mid day. I had to come in this morning I had several project kick off calls to make and all my stuff was here. My plan was to depart immediately following last kickoff call, but noooooo...have to have another meeting. Their fault if they get sick that's all I'm saying.

In closing, it's obvious that 1) I'm cranky when I'm sick and 2) I make no sense when I'm sick. Please disregard any nonsense written on this blog. I blame the cold medicine.


Lesley said...

I love your Cold-Eeze logic. Maybe if you take 4 of them at a time, you could be done with the cold tomorrow! I tried the Cold-Eeze once but I couldn't stand the taste. Do they taste okay now or are certain flavors better than others?

And I hear you on the germ thing too. If anyone so much as sneezes near me I get the compulsion to wipe down every surface with a Clorox wipe and take a shower like that scene in the movie Silkwood. Crazy crazy.

Al & Jo said...

Okay Apple....why do I have to have a cold too???? Can't you do just one thing on your own???

Anonymous said...

Try Airborne too

Nicki said...

I like the cough syrup I get from the doctor when I have bronchitis. I always think they've gotten it wrong when they say one teaspoon and take two tablespoons. Yeah, then I don't care about being sick. Happy happy.