Monday, November 12, 2007

November slams in like a Lion

Hello My Kittens. It’s grey grey (or is it gray?) day here in the NW. Wind storm coming, and ahead of it is torrential downpour of rain. But the other grey news is it’s Monday. Why do Monday’s have to suck so bad? I had forgotten yesterday was Sunday until my faithful alarm rang at O’dark thirty this morning. Rolling over I wondered why on earth it was going off when clearly it was still the weekend. But alas, I recalled that no, it was truly Monday. Then I heard it. The hammering of rain on the tin roof of the carports out side. “Oh hell,” I thought, “Today’s commute is going to suck.”

Now you’d wonder why I would think that in a part of the world where it rains a good lot of the time, I’d be concerned with drivers not being able to drive in said rain. Let me assure you dear readers, Seattle people can’t drive period. Yes, I’m one of them, but at least I have enough sense to know when it rains, that it’s not snow and thus does not require 45 MPH on the freeway.

But then again, I did get to be slowed to a crawl while the cops sorted through 4 cars who clearly took a topsy turvy spin on the freeway – I know this because their headlights weren’t facing the direction we were going. So you have two types of drivers when it rains. The slow poke what I call “Mary” drivers and the speed demons who I affectionately call the “dumbass” drivers. So matter how you look at it, they can’t win. All drivers on the road suck more than me! Clearly. I read somewhere the following, “why is it when someone’s driving slower than you, you call them a moron? But when they drive faster than you, you call them a jerk?” Indeed, why is that?

Last night marked a major milestone in my year. I decided on a birthday theme. I know what you’re thinking, “but Jenn, you’re birthday isn’t for a month or more.” Less you forget I am the queen of Planning. I planned my Halloween party two months before it took place. So it seems only fitting that I should have my birthday planned. And thanks to the Newlyweds who helped me decide this…

So without any further ado…. Or is it adue? Or adui? Anyhow, without waiting any longer…I give you…Jenn’s 39th Birthday Theme (insert drum roll here)

You bet your sweet 1970's bell bottoms...a Fondue Party! Or a FonDon't. bahahahahah. Get it?


Anonymous said...

Seattle people can’t drive period.

Hah! When I first moved to the Seattle area, I found it confounding how a four way stop is treated:

Driver #1 reaches intersection first.
Driver #2 stops.
Driver #1 waves driver #2 through.
Driver #2 waves "No, you first."
Driver #3 stops. Drivers 1 and 2 start to go, then stop.
Driver #4, with California tags, glides through the intersection.


Nicki said...

To be honest, I'm a Mary. The vast majority of my accidents have happened in the rain. Once you hydroplane and smash into the concrete median doing 60 mph, you learn to hate the rain. The feeling you can't control your car when you're going that fast sticks with you.

That said, I will be anxiously awaiting my b-day invitation. :D