Thursday, November 29, 2007

I've Gone and Done it Now

Aside from this fantastic cold moving it's way through my system, now inconveniently lodged in my nasals passages in the form of mucus. Stupid Cold! I took some Benadryl last night, but think I might have to not take it anymore, it really knocks me out...I drove to work in a fog this morning. In fact can't even remember the drive. Creepy.

So what, you ask, have I gone and done? Well, I've joined Junior Achievement. I've been looking for a way to volunteer and I'm so not the Habitude for Humanity type of volunteer. I just don't see myself on a roof somewhere hammering nails. Which got me to thinking what I was good at, business, professional type of stuff. The MomUnit and Oldest Bro both participated in JA and both enjoyed it tremendously. From their very own website, "Junior Achievement uses hands-on experiences to help young people understand the economics of life. In partnership with business and educators, Junior Achievement brings the real world to students, opening their minds to their potential." Yah, I can bring the real world to life. I'm sure I can.

I've already contacted them, and within seconds had a phone call from them. I so wanted to ask if they were that desperate for volunteers, but decided to be - ahem - professional. I have requested to work with Jr. High students or high school students in and around the Bellevue area. I have a meeting set up as an "orientation" - which probably just means they want to check me out and make sure I'm not some whacko - mental note, don't wear wacko suit that day.

Anyhow, they've got a ton of fantastic programs geared towards business and the real world. I can't wait to get started. I'll have little, mold-able minds to mess with. (insert evil laugh).

Back to my regular scheduled coughing attack.


Nicki said...

That's so awesome. Mold those little minds. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Eastside Business said...

That's great Jen! I've heard some great things about Junior Achievement. Eastside Business newspaper would love to print articles about any Eastsiders involved in JA.