Thursday, December 06, 2007

Is it considered insane to put potato chips into your sandwich before each bite? I'm not saying I do that, I might depending on the sammy. I'm SURE there are other's out there who are equally as odd. I do other odd things with regards to food that I'm sure just adds to my character.

PMDude is finally back in the office after being gone for what seemed like an eternity. His escape was legitimate though as he had to play dad to the world's cutest new baby girl - PM Newborn. I see she gets her looks from her dad.
I joke, but PMDude has been missed here. I've had to deal with the Pond Scum team (aka Sales) all by myself in this cube. A girl can only handle so much you know.
And in celebration of his return, I receive this email from him upon my return from lunch:
So Skippy's cell phone rings about 10 min after you left.

The ringtone is some Alice in Chains song and VERY LOUD.

The following exchange ensued:

Creed (Waits till Skippy answers then he says): Hm. … could barely hear that.

PMDude: (Busts out laughing really hard)

Skippy: (turns down a job offer on the phone really loud, hangs up): You guys don’t like Alice in Chains? Lane Staylee is a talented vocalist

Creed: I think I’m downloading an air horn for my cell phone ringer. It would be less noticeable than yours.”

Skippy: I forgot to silence my cell phone this morning.

Creed: Oh Really?

The End

The world's most perfect job seems to be stretching my noggin in a ways my noggin doesn't stretch. Budgets. Blech! I really REALLY really need to get a grip on numbers. My hatred for math goes way back. Though I suppose budgets aren't really math as much as they are creative accounting. I can be creative. It's the explaining to the powers that be how it is I came to such numbers. I wonder if I can tell them an alien from another planet come to me in a dream and provided me with said numbers. That wouldn't be too far from the truth at this point.

In other worldly news, I bit it in the Fred Meyer parking lot yesterday. Oh no, I'm fine, thanks for asking. The MomUnit, however, instead of providing me with sympathy proceeds remind me of an ill-fated time I bit it in another parking lot only that time I took her out with me. Me thinks that was early karma for her laughing at me this time.


Anonymous said...

Nah; I put potato chips when Free Lunch Fridays features sandwiches because I need variety in texture and the admin staff refuse to buy crisp pickles. It's best with the squishy wonder bread.

Equipment budgets aren't so much about math or creative accounting as they are padding and negotiating. If you need a dual core desktop with 4Gb memory and a 200Gb hard disk, you have to ask for a tricked out Mac PowerBook then, grudgingly, give back. It only works if you're present. If another manager is doing this on your behalf, expect to have your stuff marginalized out. :(

Teaux said...

Captain Sarcastic completely ignored the shout out to that gorgeous baby girl. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

OMG I LOVE chips on a sandwich! Just about the only time I eat chips is when they are served next to my sandwich. Then I have to put them on my sandwich before even taking the first bite. Tuna w/chips is BEST.