Monday, December 03, 2007

The Rain in Spain falls mainly in Seattle

I have a song stuck in my head (Shut it PMDude) and its there because someone said "Pineapple Express", which naturally led to "Put the lime in the coconut." ahem...

Anyhow....In case you aren't good a maps, Washington is the state just below the Vancouver arrow. (You want fries with that?)

They say in Seattle if you don’t like the weather, just wait 5 minutes and it will change. This weekend was clearly a defining moment in our weather definition. ( Is that redundancy from the dept of redundant behavior?)

Friday it was cold, oh so cold, and grey. Nothing really in part of precipitation. The drama filled news of the area warned everyone of the winter storm that was about to blow in. (Please read that last sentence with high drama). I laughed at them. I chuckled as I fell asleep. Winter storm, right! Whatever.

Saturday I was greeted with, yet again cold , but sunny weather (32F or lower at times). Still no sign of this so called “storm”. And so I sat all snugly and warm in my apt watching Christmas movies and finishing up my Christmas cards. Taking a break I stood up and I glanced out my window…my god…it’s snowing. Oh boy was it snowing. And snow it did. And snowed and snowed and snowed. By gosh golly them news was right. Now, it can stop. Anytime now. The snow can stop. Stop! STOP! I demand it.

By 9pm that night I had 4 inches of snow. Big wet flakes were still falling and the “news” people were saying it was going to turn to rain. “Hah,” I thought! I was sure I’d never dig the Mustang out to get to work on Monday. I opted for sleep over snow watching.

Sunday morning it was raining, a bit, snow and rain mixed at first. Then the rain cam down. It was raining so hard that there was a small river running down my street. It rained all bloody day. Not just a little rain, but serious go get um rain. The kind if you ever think about running to the car you’ll be drenched rain. The good kind. Now it can stop. It’s been raining non-stop since yesterday morning, again, not just piddle little rain, REAL rain. We've had 5 inches since 9 pm last night.

I know what you all are thinking, “but Jenn it rains in Seattle.” And you’d be kinda right. Really it’s just more over cast here than anywhere else. See rain causes issues. Drains get clogged, streets fill up with water, we flood and people drive like idiots.

To top this all off it's the eve of our holiday party and we are facing yet another storm from the Pineapple Express. Great. The holiday party last year was on the same night as the massive wind storm we had that knocked out power everywhere for days. Now this year, rain and floods. What gives! Our party will be at a local winery that happens to be in a flood plain. Oh goody. Can't wait for them to say they have to cancel the party due to salmon fluttering across the flooded roadways.

That's it, I’m calling Noah.


Nicki said...

I'd say suck it up, but I used to whine about hurricanes when I was in Florida. Weather sucks.