Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A little this! A little that!

Because I can't figure out what else to write about and yet feel the need to feed the blog world with useless and meaningless ramblings.

The roommate (aka The Big Black Beast of Burden aka Pookie) has suddenly found that he "needs" to charge the sliding glass door every time this particularly cute grey cat comes around. Now it could be a female cat and there for he's "hungry" for her (though he's fixed and doubtful even knows what that is). Or it's a male kitty and he's protecting Chez Jenn's. Either way he needs to stop. I have cat face prints on the glass and his little kitty brain is being jolted out of place. And by "charge" I mean he's all the way across the apartment and runs at full speed to the glass, and only stops when his face hits the glass full on. The other issue is he does it in the middle of the night. Being startled awake by the sound of a 14 lb cat hitting a solid glass door through vertical blinds, is not my idea of fun. It must stop. I'm going to duct tape the cat to the ceiling to stop said issue.

Skippy was absent from work yesterday. What a glorious Monday. He had a "chest" thing and felt he couldn't make it into work. Now keep in mind, my work ethic, and PMDude's too, says that if I'm not dead, and am home sick, I still do "work". He was sadly at work today and didn't sound sick at all. He spent 3/4 of the day today whining about how he feels "okay" but is just so tired. He's so very tired. All day I wanted to say, "I'm so f****** tired of listing to you whine." But I didn't. I refrained, barely.

Am I the only one who hates the Oscars? I would like to request a shortened version please. Just show me the nominees, the winners and move on to the next category. I hate the thank you speeches. First off almost every single one thanks God and I can almost gaurantee that not a one of them have been to church in the last 5 years, nor have the likely prayed. But whatever. That's cynical girl speaking. I do love checking out the dresses the day after online. I'm always amused when the online world shows the "worst dressed" and there's a male actor listed and he's wearing a tux. A tux that looks no different than a tux worm by some other man.

A BIG HUGE SHOUT OUT TO PEGGY S for her donation. She's a friend of PMDude and someone I've never met. In fact, I've been shocked the amount of donations I've received by people I don't actually know. Friends through this blog world. These witty, clever, sarcastic, and funny friends I now am glad to have in my circle even if I've never met them.

The blisters are almost back to normal. I actually bothered them yesterday by walking a bit. Stupid Stupid girl! They hurt today and so consequently couldn't walk today. I lifted weights today instead while watch Judge Judy. What? As if you don't watch her.


Ken La Salle said...

Dear Jenn,

I don't watch her.

Love, Ken