Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Treadmill: 1 Jenn: 0

I decided tonight upon returning from Happy Hour with BeagleBabe to go work out. I started on the elliptical rider and got bored after 10 minutes, so switched to the treadmill. I set it up to do some hill climbing. All was well for about 15 minutes, until...

See the treadmill doesn't have any type of water bottle holder - which seems weird to me. If I were ever to change jobs and design exercise equipment I'd not only make sure it was available in pink, I'd make damn sure it has a water bottle holder. Oh and an iPod or music thingy holder. Oh and maybe a hook for a towel.

But I digress. I nestled my water bottle between the bottom of the dash board panel and the pseudo bar - you see where this is going right? By the end of mile 1 I decided I needed a drink. I went to grab the water bottle and it slipped from my grasp. It landed with a resounding thud on the track of the treadmill. Now some would think I tripped on it, but in fact miraculously it shot - literally shot - off the treadmill like a bullet. Straight back in a direct line and landed - I kid you not - in the dispenser part of a coke machine. I got the giggles. I couldn't stop laughing. The ridiculousness of reliving that bullet like trajectory of a pink water bottle - even now I find myself tearing up with laughter.

It was during this laughing fit that I lost my footing and almost bit it. THEN I had this image of me shooting off the treadmill and suffering the same fate as the water bottle. Funny image to say the least.

So said pink water bottle is 24 ounces. I've had 6 of them today. I'm not math wizard, but according to my 10 fingers and 10 toes that's a 144 ounces of water (ok I cheated and used a calculator). I've now spent 10% of my day in the little girls room. As I finish the 6th bottle I can't help but wonder (or is it wander?) "how many times will I be getting up tonight?" And just to give you a glimpse into my head - scary as it is - the water bottle is made by Camelbak. Which if you rearrange the letters you get Clam Bake - which is a song Dudle (and Elvis) sing.

Big SHOUT out to fantastic cousin DWIGHT for his donation. I'm 8 % to my goal - which almost seems ridiculous to even type. So cousin DWIGHT - YOU ROCK!!!


Melissa said...

I have that same bottle :-) Kevin bought it for me, my only criteria I told him was that I wanted pink. The mouth thing feels kinda big though.

btw, my family will be adding to the team's efforts mid-month. Kev and I were talking about doing a walk one day, but I'm afraid that the three-day is a bit too much right now (especially with our two rats and no grandparents to stay with). But it is on my life's to-do list!

Lesley said...

OMG, that made me crack up! I've been hitting the treadmill a lot lately too, and I always wonder what it would be like for something (hopefully not me!) to shoot off the back of it. Too bad you didn't get the shooting water bottle on video! You could be the next YouTube star!

Al & Jo said...

Okay---fear? Thunder? I laughed so damn hard about the water bottle, but then the thought you doing what your mother did....i fell of the treadmill..,..and let me tell you, your water bottle faired better.

Oh, btw, in this case it is "wonder".