Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Update: DMQ style

Imagine if you will, sitting at your desk minding your own business. When "ding" the bell out in the lobby rings. None of the people around you seem particularly interested in getting up to get it, so you drag yourself up to the reception counter (which has no receptionist) and there sitting on the counter was this:

There's a card. It's addressed to "Jenn" - why, that's me! Oh goody! I got a Valentine. A secret admirer perhaps? Perhaps its hotty boy who works down the hall who has quite the impressive back side, if you know what I mean? Oh, wait, perhaps it's from Dad for our "anniversary" that's Sunday? Or, maybe it's from ... or, I could open the card.

I carry the 14 lbs of fruit package back to my desk, imagining over and over again who could be the lucky person to have sent such a fantastically low calorie Valentine to me?

As I tear into the envelop I think, clearly it's someone who knows me because they spelled Jenn with two "N's". Wait! What? Who?

DMQ = Dudley Manlove Quartet! No way! This is Righteous! Or, is it perhaps from a certain friend/friends who happened to attend the Valentine's show with me and had such a fantastic time they felt like they HAD to reciprocate? Me thinks maybe yes. But either way...THANKS! You know who you are!

Now rereading my blog I glanced at the bouquet and I'm taken back to a Mariner's game in which they started selling chocolate dipped strawberries. Blueberry and I were watching as person after person walked by with these "things", when I blurted out, "they look like the top of a pe*is." (If you don't know what that word is, think male, think anatomy, think south of the border). After cleaning up Blueberry from spitting her drink halfway across Safeco Field, we laughed until our sides hurt. Now I find myself glancing at this bouquet and laughing at the thought of "I got a bouquet of pe*is tops." (Can't wait to see stat counter pick up this blog when someone searches on that).


Anonymous said...

I'll never be able to look at or even eat a strawberry again without *giggling*..... LOL..... enjoy!! xoxo Kathy

Al & Jo said...

I agree with Kathy. Oh brother!

Nicki said...

OMG, that looks so awesome!!! Tasty!!

How do they know where you work?!?!?