Friday, June 06, 2008

I can't feel my face - Part DERRRR

Right, so you'd think I'd learn. But no...I try to keep up with UK Bloke #2 and his drinking fetish, and big shock, but I can't. OMG. The final night in the Land of Or and my face has mysteriously is numb again. I'm beginning to think it's something in the water - or gin. I can't quite tell which.

The show is done. At least for me. Next week a new, fresh set of people arrive to make the same bloody mistakes I've made this week. The food, the parties, the numb face...You'd think we'd learn. But them folks at Geeksoft can surely throw a party.

Last night was the "official" party for all attendees and staff folk like myself. Geeksoft rented Universal Studios and basically shut it down after hours so we could enjoy ourselves. I marveled at the expense the must go to just for the sake of entertaining us and their way of saying thank you. Upon entering the half empty park you are swarmed by people offering their goods. Not those goods, sheesh. I mean food. By the time we were just 20 steps in we were offered GYNORMOUS turkey legs, bags of chips, cotton candy, M&Ms, beer, wine, you name it, it was offered up. We, naturally felt obliged to take part. Our first stop, however was the VIP showing of T2 in 3D. Little did we know - or rather that we didn't read the invite - that it was an award ceremony for people we didn't know and could care less about. We it was free food and free drink. We couldn't say no.

After those festivities, we wondered the park with 6,000 of our closest friends. The main attraction, The New Simpson's Ride. First let me state, NOT a ride for kids. And second, WHAT A BLAST! It was awesome. But the best ride of the whole night was the MIB (that's Men In Black for those of you not in the know) - it's a ride that allows, you, the passenger to shoot aliens. Naturally the Pointy Head Boss who was sitting next to me was an alien, I had to fire. I got no points for that though. I felt quite smug exiting the ride seeing my score of 83,789, only to have my excitement dashed by UK Bloke #2 who had well over 150K. Kids!

Tonight we managed to - er um - stay relatively sober. Okay so not really, but I wanted to. My flight is at O dark Thirty tomorrow and the last thing I need is a hang over. But Bloke #2 - I admit I gave into peer pressure. He kept calling me a light weight. I couldn't say no. In my younger years, though, as Blueberry and any other college friends who might read this blog, could contest, I would have drank him into a stuper. But now, not so much.

And with that, I bid you farewell from the Land of Or. I'm pooped. I'm in serious need of a Starbucks and I can't wait to feel my face again.