Monday, June 09, 2008

Traffic Jam of the Brain...Makes me want to Scream and Shout

Well, I'm officially back in Seattle. I'm "unofficially" back in Seattle - if you know what I mean. My brain seems full and is bulging at the seams. While I like being on vacation, and away from work, but man it sure is a lot more work when you get back.

My work and personal email is at an all time high. If you've sent me an email, expect a response by 2010.

The flight home was relatively uneventful. I was at the airport early - as usual - for my 7:30 AM flight out only to find out they moved the flight to 8:30AM. So I did what any normal, warm blooded, traveling princess would do, I found a Starbucks. My first cup of "real" coffee in as many days. Oh it tasted good.

I checked in, managed my way through a frighteningly quick security check point, and voila - another Starbucks. Well, don't mind if I do. Grande Vanilla Americano with Extra Room - part two.

But I wasn't done yet. In fact, at the point when I reached Denver and located a Starbucks almost immediately, I started thinking I might, just maybe, be addicted to Starbucks coffee. Maybe. There's a chance. I'm just sayin.

As I said, it sure feels good to be home. No matter how nice it is to go away for a bit, it sure is nice to come home. I've heard nothing but lip from the feline that resides here. You'd think he was left for weeks without food or water. Brat.

I was talked into seeing the worlds dumbest movie yesterday. The new Indiana Jones movie - my god - don't waste your time. While I was a big Indy fan, I looked forward to seeing this movie. But was sadly disappointed. No plot. Harrison might be just a bit too old now to play such a character. And the ridiculously outlandish things that took place in this film. Yes, I realize it's a movie, but at least make it some what real. If you haven't seen it yet, I would say, save your money. Go buy some coffee or something.

The ParentalUnits come in tomorrow. They'll be here a week or so for doctor visits and my niece's high school graduation. Hard to believe she's graduating since it was just yesterday she was born.

And just because you asked nice, the first Orlando photos (well the second) have been posted. Kennedy Space Center photos. Enjoy. Already posted were my "photography" photos.


Anandi said...

Yes, that movie was a pile of poo. But it was my "trade" for making TJ go see 'Sex and the City' and it was hardly a fair trade since I kinda wanted to see Indy too.

I abhor Shia LeBoof. No charisma at all.