Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Open up your plans and damn your free...look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours.

Okay, I’ll get on the “what am I thankful” bandwagon. And I’ll be serious too.

I’m thankful for….

  1. I’m rarely serious
  2. The Stang – what? I’m thankful for my rock solid, kick ass car. Actually I should be thankful to Wachovia since they “officially” own it.
  3. My job. As bored as I am right now, I’m still thankful to have to get up at the buttcrack past dawn and drive my sleepy butt to work. Hoping that today will be the day all my presales projects will become real projects and I’ll be so overworked my head will split into two.
  4. 80’s hair bands. Without whom I couldn’t have so many horrible songs pop into my head very randomly.
  5. Flamingos. Without them I’d not have an odd bone in my body.
  6. OMG, I’m so thankful for coffee. That should actually be #2 or er ah maybe #3
  7. My family. The Family hedge makes me smile and I’m glad that I have a family to laugh at – or with.
  8. Air. Yah, fresh clean air. Rock on!
  9. All the people who work hard every day to make this world just a little better.
  10. Recycling.
  11. Batman and Robin – without them we’d never believe in heroes.
  12. The Interweb (or the internets if your Patron Saint)
  13. Jason Marz – without whom I would not love love LOVE my new favorite song
  14. Water. Without it I’d not be able to be thankful for #6.
  15. Friends. They all rock. And though I may not always agree with them, or what they’re doing, I still think they are awesome.
  16. Pink.
  17. Cameras.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! That means YOU! Gobble Gobble!


Al & Jo said...

WHere in the hell did you come up with THAT picture? It makes me laugh...ah yes, those were the days..potty training..ugh!

Nicki said...

I know I'm thankful for YOU. You're one of the ones who reminds me that people are good, for the most part.