In honor of Father's day and because it's been over a week since I've actually written anything, I'm going to take a page out of my friend Patron Saint's blog and do a list. Not just any list mind you. No this will be the top ten list of things I did last week. I know you're so excited to read it you can hardly stand it. So without any further ado ... here goes.
1. Sunday dinner was a week ago. It's hard to believe that that was the 10th Sunday dinner. Seems like just yesterday I started this little tradition and yet here we are finishing up our 10th Sunday dinner. It's evolved over the 10 months to be sure. I started by having a book for everyone to sign to express how much they enjoyed the friends, food, and fun. That's just too much work. So instead I've opted for taking a group photo every time. Naturally the photos can't be normal. That'd be way too much fun.
Our not so normal set of friends/family were here. From Left to right: Your's Truly, PhotoGirl, The Yank, Blueberry, SSIL, BigBro and The Pantry Goat
I decided since we were a small group that kebabs would be a great idea. Notice the bright orange bell peppers. This is how much I love my friends. I, personally, think bell peppers are the food of the devil. But for some inexplicable reason all my friends (save a few) love them. So to make the kebabs pretty and to satisfy my friends, I purchased bell peppers. At $2 each, they'd better have appreciated my sacrifice.
Very small, and surprisingly healthy, meal this time.
2. This week the ParentalUnits are here freezing their behinds off. Being from Tucson they're blood runs warmer than normal. So our not so summer like weather up here is causing their friends Author and Itis to join in the fun. It's good to have them here entertaining me.
3. On Wednesday of last week the ParentalUnits and I hopped in the car and drove to Northbend to meet The Niece and her GF for lunch. The Niece looks great and appears to be quite happy these days. She plans on working the summer and plans on going back to school in the fall. I'm going to be hounding her for 2 months to make sure she goes back to school.
4. Earlier in the week I had to take Sparky in for a new fuel pump and for the dealership to install an iPod adapter since they sold the old Stang with my stereo that I wanted out of it. I guess it's my fault for believing they'd actually do what they said and remove the stereo before selling the car. That won't happen again.
Anyhow, I have also proven - thanks in part to our liquid sunshine yesterday - that Sparky now has a leak too. Great. Just great. So at the end of next week I'll be taking it BACK into the dealership for them to fix that too. I'm starting to wonder if Sparky isn't code for "a lemon".
5. The MomUnit wanted to get a massage this week. So we packed a lunch and drove out to the middle of no where to ChickenLady's house for a massage. While mom was up turning into rubber I was outside playing with all the dogs. The Oodles of Poodles wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get photos of them. The other three golden -ish dogs would however. They're so darn cute.
Gypsy is the sweetest dog ever. If I had a place in my life right now for a dog, she would have come home with me.
Ruben is ChickenLady's love. He's a sweet dog too but follows ChickenLady everywhere so there's no way I could steal Ruben.
Molly is, let's see how to express this, um, not playing with a full deck. She's a sweety too, but seems to be off in Molly-Land most the time.
And of course I had to take photos of the chickens. I mean it is the house of ChickenLady.
This particular chicken cracked me up. Its so cold here in Seattle it has feathers on its legs and feet.
6. When the ParentalUnits are in town it's always an opportunity to see old friends that I've not seen, in some cases, since last time the folks were here. We met some friends at a local restaurant called Purple. OMG so good. They're Chicken Marsala is some of the best I've ever had. I opted for their 3 course meal menu item which meant I got an appetizer, a main entre and a dessert. The appetizer was deep friend can you go wrong with deep frying cheese? I mean really. Then dessert were homemade salted caramels. I'll be going back to get some of those to go. Yum.
7. Friday BigBro strapped on his panhandling sign and stood on a freeway off ramp near my house. He was out there begging for donations for 2 hours and made just over $200. Not bad for a days work. The MomUnit and I drove through twice so we could try to get a red light so we could get photos of BigBro working it. But it was a sunny day and Sparky's top was down so why not?
8. On Thursday there was a big bang in the neighborhood followed my electricity going out followed by loud fire sirens. I looked out my front door and say a big plume of black smoke. A substation down the street blew up. I was without power for a whole 3 hours. Its amazing the things you think about doing and then stop yourself because there's no power. Argh.
9. I finally finished The Help. That book took me so long to get through and I'm not sure why. I really liked the book and highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. It'll make you mad at times, and sad at others. But it's written well and well worth the read.
10. Happy Father's Day. I'm so glad that my dad (while frustrating at times these days) is here to celebrate Father's Day with us. With his slipping down the Alzheimer's path faster these days I'm trying to appreciate the fact that he still knows who we are (mostly) and that we have this opportunity to celebrate him.
And before you ask, yes it was the 80's and yes I wore that short outfit out in public!
One of my earliest memories of dad. Coming to take mom out on a date.
Don't Jump Dad! I'll stop being a teenage girl!
Ahh the early years.