Thursday, June 09, 2011

Today was a pretty good day

I got my notification about unemployment and how much I'll be getting a week.  That's comforting to know I'll still get unemployment and the government hasn't stopped that from happening yet. 

I met the bosses for lunch today. Actually made myself a nice salad and "brought" my lunch.  It was fun to sit and get caught up on a week's worth of conversation.  Boss #1 had been on vacation for my last few work weeks and so it was good to get caught up on her vacation and be mildly jealous.  Realizing, of course, that I'm sorta on a Staycation.

Boss #2, as always, was entertaining. She and I have chatted, texted, emailed, etc a couple times this week. She's have separation anxiety I think. I joke, mostly because I think it's my that has the separation anxiety.  I'll get to see her next week since we have a puppy playdate when the Oodles of Poodles are visiting next week.

That's right the Parental Units will be here next week. It'll be good to see them.  I won't have any escape though seeing that I won't have a job to go to. That's not to say I won't find an escape.  I'm kidding. I'd never want to escape my parents. (HI mom).  They're in Portland now and through the weekend. One of my nieces is graduating from high school.  Even as I type that I find that very hard to believe.  That means all my nephews and nieces will be out of high school.  Ugh! It'll feel worse, I'm sure, when the great nieces start to graduate.  I am not even going to go there.

The second half of my day was at a photo shoot. A friend's daughter asked me to do her Senior photos. No pressure mind you.  So I met her a Bothell's Landing, which is a beautiful park. It was overcast and humid today. The overcast is perfect for photos of people.  No harsh shadows cast by the sun.  I quickly ran through the photos and think I got some good ones. I'm having a heck of a time with focusing though.  My autofocus seems off. And my manual focus seems off.  Me thinks I should start wearing my glasses when taking pictures.

Bothell's Landing - this is why I love Seattle. So lush and so green!

I practiced a few techniques I've picked up in some reading and some youtube videos on photography.  For the most part they helped my confidence and I think helped the model feel more at east.  Some how, though, Sparky ended up being a prop in the photoshoot...which was fine by me.