Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wittle Baby Ducky

I announced to my BigBro and SSIL last week that whenever I hear the word duck the following song runs through my head:

Wasn't it a bit of luck
That I was born a baby duck
With yellow socks and yellow shoes
And I may go wherever I choose.
Quack! Quack! Quack!
Yay Ducks

I have no idea where I learned this song, but suspect it had to do with Brownies or Girl Scouts.

Anyhow, there's a Mama Mallard out in the pond who has 9 little duckies with here.  Yesterday she lost one.

About 6pm last night I noticed a lot of "peeping" going on outside. A continue cry for help from some widdle ducky.  I know my pond out back has a out-flow to it that has been covered with chicken wire to stop any babies from being sucked in.  There's a nice guy in the neighborhood who, every year, goes and puts the chicken wire on it.  He's not allowed to since this land is government property and "sacred" wet lands, but he does anyhow. Every year. I've not seen him this year come and put chicken wire on the outflow. 

Finally the peeping got to me and I went out to investigate.  One of the baby duckies had gotten sucked in. The out-flow is a bit into the marsh of the pond and was unreachable by me. Soon I had a couple neighborhood guys/gals "helping" try to save this duck. We tried for 2 hours and couldn't reach the little ducky. We couldn't reach the out-flow directly and so were trying to rig some sort of grabber device to grab the little ducky.  Mama Mallard was "helping" by pecking at the one guys ankles every time he tried to get close.  At the end of it all we just couldn't reach it. Animal control wouldn't come out either. 

Then sometime around 9pm I didn't hear the peeping anymore.  I told Mama Mallard, and myself, that her little ducky left to go be in the circus. 

It saddens me to know that the poor little ducky was so scared.  I know, realistically, that it's the circle of life and that animals don't feel fear the way we humans do.  But to watch Mama Mallard swim away with her other 8 duckys was just heart breaking.

In other non-feather related news, I cancelled eHarmony last night.  My second three months ends tomorrow and I've gotta tell ya, what a wash.  Over $200 spent and not a very good turn out. I had sent my "questions" (which is the first step in NotSoEHarmony to 127 candidates.  One guy, Daniel, got back to me but then was never heard from again.  I'm going to take the summer off and focus on my list of things to get done in 100 days. I have my profile on a few other free sites, and should probably up date them, but don't really feel like it now.


Melissa said...

I had a dream last night that I was at your bachelorette party... you were getting married to Mark Shafly (sp).