Monday, June 27, 2011

I had a good title, but then forgot

Honestly! Not working has turned my brain to mush. Its amazing how when you have more things to remember/do that your brain raises to the challenge of remembering all that stuff. When you have less, the brain takes a vacation.

Friday I headed into Seattle to help SSIL get things ready for the first of our three garage sales this year. SSIL puts so much effort into these darn things.   I often wonder if they're worth all the effort.  Saturday we had a lot of traffic and most people didn't haggle with the prices.  Turns out we made just over $700 - so I guess they are worth it.

Puck got left at home on Saturday - my fault. So instead his Uncle Yuck was there to help mascot the day for us. (Yellow Duck = Uncle Yuck - get it? See first paragraph on the mind turning to mush...this will all make sense then.)

On Sunday, ChickenLady was going to be selling her sweet little glass flowers at a local plant and art sale. Turns out Sunday was SUNNY.  Sparky was itching to go for a ride.

Off we went. 

I found the littler nursery pretty easily.  Wandered through and got the lay of the land with ChickenLady then went back through and shot about 100 photos of flowers, art, and misc stuff.  These are my two favorite photos of the day. So colorful and bright.

After the nursery, I decided to drive into Issaquah (the entire other side of the lake from where I was) to go to a scrapbook store looking for black and white checkered paper for ChickenLady.  As I was driving the speed limit and enjoying the sun it dawned on me I had forgotten my sunscreen. 

On the lake road there's a new stop light. Well, most likely not new to the people who drive the lake road daily, but new to me.  I stopped at the light and glanced to my left and say this:
This little doe was just standing there on the corner watching the cars go by.  I was hoping she didn't decide to just bolt off the property into traffic. 

Once in Issaquah I realized Sparky was getting ready to click over 1,000 miles. Hard to believe I've put on 600 miles in 4 weeks, but I have. Weird how you want to drive the long, scenic route when the sun's out.  So Sparky and I headed up over Cougar mountain into Renton.  It's a nice two lane road that's mostly wooded and scenic.  I got behind an RV and was happy to just putt along.  Once into Renton I had to drive around the block a couple of times to have it click to 1,000 so I could take a picture. What? You're surprised I had to take a picture?
Today Sparky's back at the dealership getting the leak fixed.  It's supposed to rain most this week so I won't miss the convertible part of Sparky.  I'm really hoping this is the last time she has to go into the service department for a while.  I'm starting to think I got a lemon! 

This week will be full of a whole lot of nothing.  I have my unemployment worksource meeting tomorrow and then the girls are coming over to scrap on Wednesday. Otherwise, I plan on getting into the list of things to do and get a few of them done. 


BigBro said...

Didn't know "Sparky" was a girl..............hmmmmmm