Tuesday, January 23, 2007

godo nigh

I am truly blessed. Yes, you read that correctly, blessed.

Tonight I was fortunate enough to experience and IM session with my buddy Vicky. (I considered using an alias to protect her innocence, but then remember it was Vicky we were talking about and anyone who knows her knows "innocent" and Vicky in the same sentence just doens't mesh. Luv ya Vic)

So Vicky and her hubby Ken decided to drink tonight. And Vicky decided after, god knows how many shots of rum, to instant messaging. So I thought I would let you all enjoy the words from Vicky and her drunken typing....see if you can translate...

Princess Vicky Says: i'm sldrunk

Jenn Wraspir: oh goody
Jenn Wraspir: and what have we been drinking today?

Princess Vicky Says: damn i can't type...it'

Princess Vicky Says: s taking me al of ths time to typo this

Princess Vicky Says: it's me...vkckh

Princess Vicky Says: ciky

Princess Vicky Says: vicky

Princess Vicky Says: oh shit

Jenn Wraspir: is this like drunk dialing?

Princess Vicky Says:kina

Princess Vicky Says: kinda

Princess Vicky Says: ken hands is booze muich beeter then i do

Jenn Wraspir: light weight

Princess Vicky Says: every time Shrub said, terorism, terrrist, 9/11, Iran, troos, freedom, augementation we drank a shot of rum

Jenn Wraspir: is there any rum left in the state of california?

Princess Vicky Says: it was fun and we listned to most of the speech altouygh we missed the commenary

Princess Vicky Says: i dom't like to get really drunk cuz i'm an idiot

Princess Vicky Says: so i shoudl e inf

Jenn Wraspir: easy for you to say

Princess Vicky Says: not so easy to eype

Princess Vicky Says: type'

Princess Vicky Says: damn

Princess Vicky Says: so, i think i bit my wip

Jenn Wraspir: you think you did?

Princess Vicky Says: i feels like i mght have, but i do't feel any pain wonder why?

Jenn Wraspir: lips are numb eh?

Princess Vicky Says: a bit

Jenn Wraspir: that's a good place to be

Princess Vicky Says: i should proably go to sweep need to get rid of the drukness

Jenn Wraspir: nighty night

Princess Vicky Says: godo nigh

Princess Vicky Says: ken says godo nigh

Been there. Done that.


Ken La Salle said...

Yep, that's my wife.

We actually had a lot of fun.

... I mean... while we were drinking...

Nicki said...

Ah, the nights I've done that. I've been on so drunk I've only been able to see with one eye open.

Did you know that keyboards don't like pina coladas?

Groove said...

I read it just fine....is that bad?

Al & Jo said...

I laughed so hard I think I hurt myself! VICKY!!!! You really shouldn't drink and type!

Nicki said...

I think I'm going to be drunk and online this weekend. Care to have me IM you? aim "littledreamer fm" and yahoo "nickif72". I'll tell you all my dirty little secrets.

Jenn from WA said...

FM - Keyboards, apparently, don't like rum and cokes either. I'm just sayin'.

Grove - It could be bad. I'll get back to ya.

Mom - go directly to the liquor cabinet and down two shots of favorite alcohol. It'll make the hurt go away.

FM - Becareful what you wish for....