Monday, January 22, 2007

Miss Me?

I do. Oh wait. Did I ever leave? Maybe it's my sanity I miss?

At any rate, there is one thing you must know about me. I can cook. And I don't mean to be egotistical about this, but I can cook. I have made many a difficult recipes. And all of them have turned out relatively good. I can follow a recipe and put out for the masses one helluva meal.

Yet, apparently, I can't cook fish sticks.

Don't ask why. but I thought fish sticks sounded good the other day. They were on sale and my chef like pallet said, "Yah. Let's do it."

The box had, what I consider, extraordinary good directions. "Put sticks in a 450 oven and cook for 9-11 minutes." Seems simple enough. Yet....

I must have a mental block at times when it comes to putting things in the oven. I tend to forget them. And before you ask, yes I have a timer. I just tend to rely on my instinct as a cook to know when their done. That, unfortunately, is not the way to go.

How did I remember about the fish sticks you ask? Well, the sharp, pierce like shrill from the fire alarm was what hinted me to the trouble. Good Grief.

I pulled open the oven and there sat fish twigs. Burnt to a crisp. Being the brave type I "tried" to break one in half...couldn't do it. The who lot of them (all 8 of them) went into the garbage bowl.

What'd I have for dinner you ask. A bowl of cereal. What else?

And as if that wasn't bad enough. I, for some reason, decided to try my hand at banana bread tonight. Sniff thinks I should go check the bread.

This just in: I burnt the banana bread. God dammit!


Vicky said...

I will say that you are a good cook...on the stovetop. I'm just glad that you didn't have to put anything in the oven for us...but wait, you did for Thanksgiving dinner. How did you manage that?

Anonymous said...

I have a mental block with garlic bread. Doesn't matter if I'm in the kitchen, I might as well be in the backyard. It will burn. My only hope is that it's not so burnt that I can't scrape off the black stuff.

Al & Jo said...

Hmmm-- are you related to your DAD??? He burnt the bacon on Sunday morning and I am still trying to get the smell out of the house...and, convince the fire department that we really didn't have a fire. You see, we have a smoke alarm on our security system that calls the fire department (instead of going off) and they call us...long story.

Nicki said...

Now you've gotten me paranoid about whether or not I turned off the oven after cooking my mozzarella sticks.

And I'm famous for not turning the oven on. It's a pisser when you're hungry.

Ken La Salle said...

Ah, fish sticks - CAJUN STYLE!

Jenn from WA said...

Vicky - It was an imposter at Tday.

Laura - It's called Cajun Garlic Bread. I have the same recipe for Cajun Banana bread. (See Ken's comment).

Mom - EWWW..burnt bacon is the WORST smell. Well, that is next to the little smelly bombs my cat leaves. JeEEEESUS!

Freak - check the oven. Do it NOW!

Ken - I'm right there with ya.