Thursday, January 11, 2007

Holy Jalapeno!

You know that membrane in a pepper? The one that contains all the heat? Well, little tip from your friend Jenn. When working with, oh I don't know, say a jalapeno, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after you touch it. I chopped up a jalapeno last night and touched a part of my anatomy and WHOA ... that burns.


You sicko, I didn't mean that anatomy, I meant my nose and lips. Sheesh.

Aside from burning my lips on hot peppers, this is all I got today. I spent the day working from home thanks to stupid mother nature and her current hatred for the northwest as she blasted us again with snow, and worse, ice.

This from Patron Saint of the Smart mouths

This blog game is to post the first sentence from every month. I went through my months looking at the first entry, they weren't that fun and/or funny. And funny is what its all about, right? I am here to entertain. So, my rules are this, my favorite subject line and first sentence.

Hold On! Here we go.

December 2006 - And now I have a hairy tongue!
You know that post drinking thing, called a hang over.

November 2006 - We're on a road to no where...come on along. I wonder.

October2006 - Just thought you'd like to know.... Officially....Boys are Icky! It's true. It's been proven. Scientifically speaking of course.

September 2006 - Miss Me? I know you did.

August 2006 - I got a brand new pair of roller skates.... VROOM VROOM! Goes the Mustang.

July 2006 - Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? I'm not a Stevie Wonder fan, but that song ALWAYS comes to mind when I look at this.

June 2006 - The Bluest skies you've ever seen... Are in Seattle....

May 2006 - Warning Labels I think people should come with warning labels.

April 2006 - Jenn:1 Refrigerator 1 We're in a dead tie, the refrigerator and I.

March 2006 - One Martini, Two Martini, Three Martini, Floor... Okay, so it wasn't quite that bad.

February 2006 - How I ended up on a bar room floor. By Jenn Wraspir Its true, I spent about a millisecond on the floor of the Tractor Tavern last night.

January 2006 - And I shall build an Arc! Day 24 of the nonstop rain fest here in Seattle.


Groove said...

Lame...then again I've not posted in a week and I have 6 stories to tell....

Of course we thought you put it down there..hehe

Nicki said...

I'm so horrible.

All I could think when you were talking about touching your parts was, "I gotta try that."