Saturday, January 06, 2007

I'm the shit...

...and I mean it.

Last night, having a "rough" first week of work. Okay so it was only 3 days, but it was rough I tell ya. I mean, I had to arrange my desk, get my computer turned on, and have tea time with the "brit" of the office. And in case I forget to say this in the future, or in the event I should *ever* (so unlikely) complain about my job, I just gotta say, "I LOVE MY JOB!"

Anyhow, back to last night. Cousin and I headed to Ballard to find a bar in which the Sh*tKickers were playing. It happened to be, surprisingly, a bar I had not been to. Super cute, and super fun place. We had good parking karma, which is a must if going to Ballard. Got to the bar early and got a seat RIGHT up front...of course.

In case you don't know, the Sh*tKickers are an alter ego to the Dudley Manlove Quartet, but they do country-ish music.

The band rocked, of course. How could they not. Cousin and I were in an exceptionally snippy, judgmental mood and so created names for several of the "girls" around us. For example, Ballard native wearing rubber boots (and I don't mean cute rubber boots, I mean the black ones with red toes, that most people wear when working out in the water) we named her "Rubber Ducky." Then there was a woman who was, in my humble opinion, U-G-L-Y. Now, I rarely consider people "ugly", but this one was hideous. So she became HW for Hideous Woman. And finally there was the waitress. Bless her heart for serving us. Truly I like bars in which they have waitresses. But this one, well she was going through life au natural...and by that I mean she STANK. And not just stink, but lingering stank, long after she left. So we called her Pepe LePew.

After the second set, Cousin and I had decided we were old and therefore tired. I, being old, had to go pee first. Into the bathroom I went, and guess what, there was a line. But following close behind me was a cute little blond thing whom I had seen earlier kissing my man Paul. Therefore she must be the dreaded girlfriend. She says to me, "I saw you at the NYE party. You were the winner of the tickets who then couldn't use them. Paul was telling me all about it." WHOA...Paul was talking about me.... oh my heart went pitter pat...then I bounced back to reality and realized she was the girlfriend. Cute and nice. Dammit! She was supposed to be a bitch. So now not only do the DMQ boys know of me, but apparently the girlfriends do too.


Al & Jo said...

Video is gone? Wouldn't let me open it and said it was no longer available. HELP