Thursday, August 14, 2008

2 Years and Still going strong

Can you believe it? The stang is 2! It's hard to believe that I've been driving this little gem for 2 years. Even more had to believe is how little the loan amount has decreased. So, let them eat cake!

It's been a relatively uneventful week. It's been hot here in the great northwest. I was "chuckling" slightly when the news announced we are on in a weather watch for a heat wave. It's 89 outside! The big issues, apparently, is the smog that's being created. It sounds like the next two days will be hot-hot-hot and thus the smog will increase. They were commenting that our great mountain, Mount Rainer, can't be seen through the smog. My thought was, "As if we see the mountain between the clouds usually anyhow."

I had a small rent issue this week. I was checking my checking account when I noticed a large sum still existing in my account. I knew something had to be wrong. I looked further and found my rent check cleared for only $100. As if. I wish I that was all I owed. I called the bank and called the apt complex and found that in the tender line I wrote the number incorrectly. Hundred instead of thousand. Whatever. The number was written out right. Either way they are making me pay the rest. Can you imagine? The nerve. They wouldn't have even caught it had I not brought it to their attention. I think at least a 50% discount should be in order.

Am I the only one who is already tired of the political commercials? Here in Seattle we get them 4 in a row. 2 for the republicans and 2 for the democrats. Both sides mudslinging already! Ugh. Make it stop!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find some cake.