Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just How Far Would You Walk?

I've put together a massive video of the 3 Day experience. Sadly, Blogger won't allow the 23 minute video to be posted - or rather I can't get it to allow it. And so, I broke the videos up.

Welcome to your first installment of "The 3Day Experience". This little zippy video is our training walks from late January through August. I still get goosebumps when I think about all the walking we did to get to our end goal.

You know what?

Can you keep a secret?

I kinda miss it.

But just in case I miss it too much I can come and see this video. Enjoy. It's only 8 minutes of your life you won't get back.

**Important message about video**
It contains naked hot dogs! You've been warned.


Anonymous said...

Eeek!! You need to make your naked hot dog disclaimer a little bigger. I had to turn my eyes away quick! I just wasn't quick enough. I am now scarred for life.