Thursday, September 11, 2008

On the Eve of a Miracle

Yesterday was way WAY WAY too busy of a day for me to fret about the 3Day. Thankfully I was swamped at work and so didn't have to obsess about the 3 Day for like 8 hours. Yay!

That being said, when I got home the obsession welcomed me back with open arms. I've been packed for a week for this event - for no other reason than I did laundry and why put the clothes away when they're going to come back out into the suitcase. Blueberry would likely disagree with me on that and say I just packed because I like to be prepared. Whatever. I'm packed. The only thing missing from the suitcase is shampoo and soap (hahah I mistyped that originally to soup - I don't think I'll be needing that).

The weather is turning out to be beautiful. In fact, while I won't complain about the dry factor in the weather, it may be a bit too warm. Upper 70's to lower 80's. Closing ceremonies should be at/about 82 degrees ... oh goody! I don't do well in heat, so I've prepared myself by having my pink bandanna locked and loaded on to the waist pack.

I think logistically the three of us Saving 2nd Basers finally have the plan settled. That being said, it'll change 40 times between then and now.

Last night I printed off all the material the MomUnit and our other walker stalkers might need. BigBro had printed off maps to all the cheering stations, so that with some other stuff are in a nice neat pink packet waiting for tomorrow AM.

In case you're curious, the "route" has been posted. Vague as it is, if you're not from around here it does show the amount of land we'll cover in 3 days as well as some interesting tidbits about the area.

While printing off stuff last night I figured I should take one more trip through the youtube videos - just to be sure to get the cry on early. On the way home last night I got all teary eye'd just thinking about the cheering stations. I suspect the next three days will be one big cry fest for me. They call it the 60 mile buffet - but I think it'll be more the 60 mile cry fest!

And so with that, I'll leave you to your day. As I said yesterday, I'll "try" to blog after each day, but can't promise it. Tomorrow night might not be too hard to blog by - I'm not worried at all about tomorrow. Saturday has me more worried - and by Sunday I'll be so psyched to finish I'm sure I'll blog. By Monday you'll have the full story and most likely pictures. After all, I must show my fans photos of me in a big pink sombrero and a big pink beehive.
Update: A few donations have come through that I need to send a huge SHOUT out to.

Dawny&Jon - Via BigBro I got your donation. THANKS

KimRI - I'll be carrying your 3Day account with me - especially the "DRINK THE DAMN GATORADE" part. Thansk Buddy

Dr. PaulH - aka PMDude's Cousin- Your donation put me over my $6,000 mark. THANKS. I'll be adding your mom to my list of people to think about on the walk!