Monday, September 22, 2008


I made it. There and back without any scars - well physical ones anyhow. I do have some mental scars from spending the entire weekend in a small town in the middle of Washington - but that's neither here nor there.

The fam all seems well. And by fam I mean the entire town of Odessa - good lord. I saw family members I've not seen in years. And some of their kids I've never met. How is it that these kids are all grown up now and I've not aged a bit? Huh? Odd.

I've had some time to reflect still on the 3 Day. I am still slightly in shock by the overwhelming-ness of the entire thing. I don't let me self think too much about it because, well because it makes me cry. I did get asked this weekend why on earth we would do something so crazy. And I didn't have a good answer other than, "Well,why not?" One of the 3 Day characters we met - when we asked why he walks he said, "Because I can." That pretty much described it.

And yet, I found today, a better reason. Jenne Fromm who is the spokesperson for the 3 Day has a blog. She's a woman who you love to hate at the 3 Day. She's incredible. She's inspirational. She's the 3 Day spirit in physical form...but she makes you cry. Even trying not to, you can't help it when she gets up there on stage and gives her 3 Day speech (which I'm trying to get a copy of by the way).

Anyhow, on her blog I found a FAQ about the 3 day. One of the questions is "Why do people do it?" And this is her response. Oh go get some Kleenex. I'll wait.

Okay, ready?

"Why do people do it?
People do it because there is goodness and light in this messed up world.

They do it because they refuse to sit by and watch while breast cancer systematically picks off their loved ones.

They do it because they have to.

They do it because Courtney, who walked in Atlanta this year, was diagnosed at age 28 with breast cancer after meeting and marrying the love of her life and had to have her eggs harvested and frozen before she went through treatment so that on the off chance she lived, they'd be able to try to have the family they've dreamed of.

They do it because Mary Ann, who walked in Michigan, lost her mom at the tender age of 13 when girls need their mothers the most and don't want to have to ask their dad to take them to buy tampons and shouldn't have to ask the neighbor to curl their hair for the prom.

They do it because Jeff, who walked in Seattle, finally met his soul mate after 43 years and knew it nearly immediately and grabbed her up and married her only to have her diagnosed, treated, and ripped from his arms and life a short 4 years later.

They do it because no sister should have to say goodbye to her best friend. Because no child should be without a parent. Because no parent should have to bury their child.

They do it because they are determined to live in a world without breast cancer. "


*sniff sniff

The 3 Day really is the gift that keeps on giving. I got another donation over the week from HikerGirl - which confused me. But it's mo'money for the cause. Our team has broken $20,000! We rock.

I also keep getting emails from friends/family congratulating me on this adventure. It really lifts the spirit.