Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am Princess. Hear me Roar!

We have a standing rule in our office. If you are stepping away from your computer (i.e. leaving the office) you need to lock your computer for security reasons. On the one hand it’s a fairly lame rule because we’re such a small office that is some random stranger came in and started tapping away on one of our computers we’d ask, “Hey! Random Stranger Guy – whatcha doin?” Still, the rule remains. And if you should be unfortunate enough to leave and not lock your computer, there’s approval for anyone to send an email from said person’s computer to the entire office with things like, “Hey everyone. I’ll buy beers on Friday.” Or “Hey everyone! I’ll be bringing in donuts (buying lunch, etc) for everyone on Friday.” It’s a fun little reminder of our rule.

Now, some of us have only once been caught with our proverbial pants down and have had an email sent out. Some of us learn.

Some of us don’t.

As is the case of poor Skippy. Remember him? I’ve not had a lot to say of late about him cuz, well he’s mellowed some and I frankly got bored of his antics. Still, he’s been caught I don’t know how many times with his computer left open. Heather is usually the first in line to send an email. She took this rule to heart and I swear she sits and waits, patiently, like a hawk watching it’s helpless prey.

So, Skippy left for lunch and unfortunately for him left his computer open.
Heather hops on over and sends this email to our entire office:

Subject line: I love being a princess

I want everyone to know that I am a princess and I love pink!

Then she promptly hops back to her computer and responds with:
Acceptance is the first stage. From Jenn, Rose, and I, welcome to the club!

But Heather took this one step further…she changed his desktop picture. Which of course I couldn’t leave alone and took a photo of and sent a message indicating we were getting his crown engraved…or something like that.

I’m not sure he’s too happy right now. Everyone in the office has now seen the desktop and has made some smart ass comment…now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go polish a crown.


Anonymous said...

You was too fun! The sad part is, he thinks it is someone else. I am sure we will start seeing images of "Silverlight" in various locations. The best part was hearing A&U calling him names.