Tuesday, February 03, 2009

You may be my lucky star, But I’m the luckiest by far

Okay, you wanna know how I got that song in my head...? Follow my poor steam driven locomotion thought.
We had a pot luck of sorts today at work. Everyone was to bring their favorite "snack" and we were going to take a break and watch Superbowl ads. In typical pot luck fashion, only a few brought stuff. So I was thinking to myself how "un" lucky pot lucks are in an office full of men.

Then I was thinking about phrases that has "lucky" in it and was going to try to make a witty joke, when out of no where Madonna fills my noggin with Lucky Star. And just by reading that title, everyone here's the opening bar don't ya....and you see Madonna dancing rolling around in her quintessential 80's look.
Side Bar: Madonna's album Lucky Star was the FIRST cassette tape I ever bought. My first CD was C+C Music Factory. You probably didn't need to know that. But what is a blog for if not for useless knowledge about me.

Right, so where was I? Oh yes, ranting about the lack of participation in pot lucks.

On the Jendo front, I unpacked the spare room scrapbook room last night. Box after box of scrapbooks I cussed and swore to not make any more. Then I'd open a box of new paper I bought for a specific SF page and get all giddy with excitement to do that page. It's a curse. I know.
I now only have boxes left where the contents of said boxes belong in the spare room closet - which is still being occupied by some items from the Jendo's owner. And I can't seem to find my computer speakers anywhere. I vividly remember putting them in a box that was a combination of last minute stuff - none of which had anything in common with the other. They'll show up someday.
I forgot to mention yesterday that it was Ground Hog's day. I don't know about in your neck of the woods, but I have no idea if the silly rodent saw his shadow here yesterday or not. It really would have depended as to when he came out of his hole (do we even have ground hogs in Washington?). I'm going to pretend he came out in the earlier morning hours when we had a cloud cover. And in my fantasy, he didn't see his shadow and Spring is just around the corner. How's that grab ya?