Friday, January 20, 2006

Go SeaHawks!

And the SEAHAWKS are gonna win.

So that's really not what this blog is to be about. Though it could be. I was going to write about rain again, but that's boring and so last week. But I will add, that the Seattle PI has a quote in it that sums up EVERY Seattleite's life in the winter:

More important to me is I'm moving next week. I have one week to get my current apt in packing order. I laughed at myself last night whilst looking around my apt. I'm probably one of the only people I know (Mike being the other possibly) that has my boxes all stacked in the same area, numbered, and end location printed on them. The boxes aren't scattered around the apt. They're all in the living room (I had to move some furniture to get this accomplished). My thought is two fold: 1) I get to see just how much CRAP I have. Though a one bedroom apt with less than 50 boxes I think is good for me. and 2) I think it'll be easier for the movers I hired.

Yes I hired movers. All my so called "friends" are busy. Which isn't surprising, because if any of you actually know me, you know I move often. I love moving. Most people groan at the idea, but I love it.

Why do I love it you ask? Simple. Its an opportunity for you to see what all the wonderful things you've collected in your life, and get rid of half of them. Moving is really a ritual in cleaning house. Most folks don't toss stuff they don't use unless they're moving ( the one exception being my parents - wait cancel that - dad who keeps everything). I have two "extra boxes". One box for things I KNOW I'm taking to goodwill. The second box are for things I'm just not quite sure I need anymore, but can't quite let them go. I mean you never know when you're going to need that "something" you didn't even remember you had.

For me, the monster of packing is the Kitchen. I love cooking. Thus I have cooking supplies, books, dishes, etc that could easily compete with Sur La Table for a store. Just my kitchen alone, which isn't complete packed yet, is 15 boxes. FIFTEEN boxes. My god...I need to purge.

I've not written about rain in a few days. Mostly because there's nothing new about the rain. Its still raining. According to my count (who care's about SeaTac airport and their "official" count.) we are on day 34 of rain. At least in Bellevue, which according to most Bellevue folks is the center of the universe.

The Seattle PI had an interesting commentary regarding rain. I think it depicts very much what every, single Seattle living person thinks:

"THE OTHER MORNING I saw a patch of blue. No, not the old 1960s Sidney Poitier movie about the blind girl, but a slight clearing in our proverbial gray Seattle sky. The change happened quickly, giving my brain just enough time to register the subtle brightening that caused me to glance from my book and out the window.

That's when I saw it, toward the Olympics -- an almost oval patch of crystal blue, surrounded by clouds in varying shapes and shades of gray. I turned off my reading lamp so I could watch the sky, thrilled and encouraged that this small patch might possibly be a sign signaling the coming of the end to our recent torrential downpours.

My euphoria didn't last long. In the time it took me to contemplate rousting my husband and grabbing our walking shoes, that little patch of blue got swept over by fast-moving, heavy black clouds pushed by a strong wind that seemingly came from nowhere.

Disappointed, I turned the lamp back on and resumed reading."