Tuesday, January 17, 2006

More rain? Seattle says, "Bring It On!"

On my way to work this morning, I had a strange occurrence. I left my apartment and was greeted by this enormous, bright, round thing in the sky. At first I thought it was a UFO, then realized if I were a creature from out of space, I wouldn't visit Seattle. So I squint and walked to my car. Got in, shut the door, started it up in time to hear the radio DJ say the word. The word I couldn't think of, or recall, or remember, or have uttered in god knows how long...he said..."SUN". Its the sun. Der. I remember...oh wait. Where'd it go? Damn it!

While we didn't break our record set in 1953, it seems the rain gods have decided that Seattle hasn't had enough yet. That the year of the drought (2005) was a mistake and now they must fix that mistake (If only the rain gods could fix the taste of bell peppers while they're at it).

On the plus side, we won't have to "conserve" this summer. But if any of you know Seattle, it s a city FULL of conservationist, and activists, and tree huggers, etc. The mountains are getting SLAMMED with snow. My pal Mike told us that a local ski area he's teaching at has 70" already. SEVENTY INCHES...that's like ... um ... anyone got a calculator?... like 5.8333333 feet. AND its still snowing. The news last night said that Snoqualmie (for those NON Washington folk that Snow Qual Me) pass was to get another 7 inches last night. (Please keep in mind it was Jim Forman aka local news caster... aka Drama Queen)