Saturday, January 21, 2006

Happy Saturday

I get to sign the paper work for the new apt tomorrow. 7 days and counting before the BIG move.

I am 100% completely packed. Shocked, aren't you all. All the boxes are numbered, labeled, and inventoried....okay well they aren't exactly inventoried (if that's even a word).

And I have a new crush. We'll see how many of you REALLY read this.

Finally, the movie of choice today. While slightly over done, and VERY predictable, it gave me goose bumps. See I'm a band geek at heart. Grew up in the auxiliary units of all the bands for the schools I attended that had bands. (Redmond High being the one exception because they didn't "allow" auxiliary units - whatever.)

Starting in Jr. High: 7th grade at Piute Jr. High. I was the Captain of the Tall Flags. Which really was nothing, but a big Teepee looking set of flags that spelled out Piute. We just carried them behind the band before the flag girls.

Then 8th grade, I "graduated" to Banner. Oh I certainly thought I was cool. I hated every single girl on the banner, but I loved the banner. It weighed a ton and flipped open to spell out Warriors (it spelled Piute when it was closed.)

Then came my freshman year at Antelope Valley High School. I started in banner, then decided to give the Rifle Corpse a try. I took to it like a moth to light. I loved it. As my family can contest, I practiced until I had blisters the size of Kansas on my hands, and bruises ALL over my body. But I got good. In fact, was the ONLY freshman to march in the parades or field shows.

Then the move to the other side of the city brought me to Quartz Hill High School. They were the rivals of AV, and I KNEW I could be Captain there. So I stuck my nose in, tried out with the band director and the current captain watching on...and lo' and behold, I became captain. Looking back now, I can't imagine how crappy the former captain felt with me coming in and taking over, but I didn't care then...I was on top. Loved everything about Rifles. Had a killer team and band. The band experience just sorta stuck with me. They were my family. My first love was in the band. Who? you ask...all together now...Michael Pomerleau. Man, I was over the moon for him. In fact, I got my first kiss from him, thanks to pal Laura Born who SHOWED Mike a letter I had written to her. See I was moving to Washington, and I told Laura the only thing I wanted was a kiss from Mike...SHE SHOWED HIM THE LETTER. The nerve! But I got that kiss. In a practice room in the back of the band room. Oh sweet memories.

But I digress...the movie tonight was DrumLine. Now for all intensive purposes, its lame. But -man- can those bands down south play. LOVED IT!


Melissa said...

I remember the rifle stuff... WSU when you flipped it in your room, hitting the light above :-) oops. What is it with all the Mikes! hehee

Al & Jo said...

I have proof of her love for the rifles and band. Various broken articles around the house when she twirled her rifle inside, which, by the way, was NOT ALLOWED then and STILL ISN'T ALLOWED! She was very good at it however, even if we did cringe every time we heard the "OW" and wondered if we were going to have to rush her to the emergency room. Greatfully, she was good enough that we never did!