Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Thanks Mom & Dad

I know you know this person. The person who doesn't have table manners. The person who isn't afraid to "lick" their plate when they're done eating. The person who has no concept of polite-ness or anything with regards to being in a fancy restaurant. Well, thankfully I'm not that person ( and thankfully I don't really KNOW anyone like that...I've seen a few and have a few acquaintances I'd like to train, but otherwise, my friends get it).

Anyhow, last night I was fortunate enough to join my upper management (Director, General Mgmt, all Product mgrs etc) in our team for a very nice dinner with three customers we had visiting. Being that I'm the Customer Experience Manager, I basically "managed" their entire day and what not, all the way to planning dinner. Didn't realize I was going to dinner until I was "told" by my director that I should go.

Naturally, I got a bit nervous. But I was thankful that my mom and dad had taken the time to teach me manners. (its a loss art these days with kids I think). I wasn't worried at all about how to behave in a VERY nice restaurant with people who were important to me. Which got me to thinking on the way home about a few acquaintances I have and whether they could keep a professional and polite manner about them in such a situation.

I know it sounds like I'm tooting my own horn, but its really mom and dad who deserve the kudos here. So, thank you mom and dad. I actually did listen and learn something.


Al & Jo said...

You did listen and we are proud of you and how you can handle yourself in any situation. There are a few in our family that don't get it....sorry to say. However, you GOT it in a big way!

Mom and Dad