Thursday, June 28, 2007

I have a boy in my bed and I'm not afraid to use him

If you are 21 or older ... please continue.

If you are 21 or younger...why the hell aren't you in bed? Or at church? Or studying?

Disney Porn continues...

Oh sure, he looks all nice and hot now. But he'll never call. He'll never write. He'll probably run off with that skank Malibu Barbie. I mean she does have so much I don't have. Like a tan. And now she has Naked Prince too.

*sniff sniff*

I'm sorry. I have to go. The pain is too much. He'll be leaving in two days and I'll miss him so.


Ken La Salle said...

Don't worry, Jenn.

Anyway, there's something you should know about Naken Prince: he's half naked/half Kraken... which is why he's Naken...

Now, I'm not telling you which part is Kraken but he appears to be Lacken, at least...

Lesley said...

From the looks of it, I'm not sure how much good that Naked Prince would be able to do for you. I'm just saying.

And Malibu Barbie is a total skank. She's the Paris Hilton of the Barbie clan.

Nicki said...

I have a Mr. Perfect doll at work. He says all the sweetest things. One day I picked him up to show someone just how sweet he is. I pressed his little hand, and he let out the longest stream of flatulence. All men are alike.

Teaux said...

Apparently the presence of ambiguous genitalia alters the etymology of the word "Naked" to actually read, "Naken".

Jenn from WA said...

Ken - Bite me...

Lesley - But would Malibu Barbie get out of jail as easily?

FM - I have a Mr. Wonderful doll at work and he makes the same type of non male comments. No one at work thinks its as funny as me.

Teaux - See my response to Ken.

Lesley said...

You know, that's quite a submissive pose that the Naked Prince is in.

It's probably all sorts of sick and wrong for me to point that out, but it's TRUE!

And it's also true that I'm a sickie. Oh well.

Scribbler said...

What's that on the bedstead? a baby monitor? OK what's going on here?

Jenn from WA said...

Lesley - No comment.

Rabitt - Not that I owe any sorts of explanation...I could lead this down all sorts of sordid paths...but instead the truth. Naaah I'd rather you use your imagination. Which is scary!

Al & Jo said...

Okay, this is MOM. I don't want to hear/see any more of this naked, er, well, maybe! Disney porn...something new???